Biden Drone Strikes White House After Vowing To Kill Those Responsible For American Military Deaths In Kabul – IOTW Report

Biden Drone Strikes White House After Vowing To Kill Those Responsible For American Military Deaths In Kabul


16 Comments on Biden Drone Strikes White House After Vowing To Kill Those Responsible For American Military Deaths In Kabul

  1. Too easy.

    That pedo needs to swing.

    We need to hear his neckbones creak with the strain.

    We need to see the urine sluice down his leg as he begins his airdance.

    We need to see the shit darken his ass when he finishes it.

    We need to see the fear in the eyes of nearby penned up Democrats as they realize they are next.

    It’s not enough to kill them.

    They need to suffer.

  2. It’s all bull shit. The DOD was asked to name the two ISIS special K terrorists they killed. They couldn’t. It’s all bull shit to satisfy Captain Brain Dead’s threats. They blew up some poor camel jockey and his wife just trying to keep their heads down. It’s the Smoke And Mirrors Weak Sister Admin. Geez

  3. Biden and his Obama handlers will try any slight of hand, lie, bullshit story or action to breakaway from the Disaster they all created. More attacks and blood are on their hands. They brought SHAME upon themselves, the Administration, the citizens of the Nation and The United States.

    The Mainstream media is anxious to prop up Biden as they have during the campaign and the first 7 months of POLICY FAILURES in energy, economic inflation, trillions of debt, covid mandates, immigration, corruption, lack of transparency in all Federal agencies, Weaponizing the FBI, DOJ and Biden’s inability to effectively make decisions for the Military action in Afghanistan or social economic changes.

    Biden’s incompetence is easily recognized, it has spanned 50 years.
    Where are the journalists? They have all become propagandists.

  4. You can be mad at Biden, but Biden is barely a pimple on the a$$ of the issue, he could pop tomorrow and nobody would notice.
    The swamp has been identified over the past 4 1/2 years. From Congress, Rino’s, Media, are all complicit in this. Who they are taking money from, China, Soros, Cartel, Big Pharma.
    All part of the plan.
    They all need to go.


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