Biden’s Team Summoning Members of the Media to Wilmington, Delaware to Tell Them How to Better Report on Him – IOTW Report

Biden’s Team Summoning Members of the Media to Wilmington, Delaware to Tell Them How to Better Report on Him


Biden and his reelection team are reportedly summoning media people to visit their HQ in Wilmington, Delaware, in order to tell them how to report on the Biden administration in an election year.

It just one more reminder that the vast majority of the media acts like the public relations arm of the Democrat party.

A Republican would never even bother trying this because the media would laugh them out of the room, but anything to help a fellow Democrat, right? more

9 Comments on Biden’s Team Summoning Members of the Media to Wilmington, Delaware to Tell Them How to Better Report on Him

  1. The media has already given Biden all they have. They sacrificed what little credibility they had to pump up a person who has been a complete failure his entire life. Because of the MSM’s constant stream of lies, cover ups, and omissions, they’re all losing ground; many are gone for good. Biden doesn’t need to have a special meeting to get them to do what they’ve always done. The MSM is blindly going down with the ship. The blind loyalists cannot see there aren’t any lifeboats on the SS Biden.

  2. “101 Uniquely Biden Things” (new book – each category presented with historical anecdotes!)

    Falling upstairs
    Shitting pants with Pope
    Sniffing girl’s hair at White House events
    Twisting girl’s nipples at White House events
    The History of Corn Pop
    Blond leg hair in the sun
    Woke military
    Afghanistan disaster
    Jab you ass!

    #1 Blackmailed President of all time

  3. Tittie twisters are not cool, in 6th grade I did one on a female cousin which unfortunately for me my grandfather saw. He gave me a very stern warning that if he ever saw me do it again, he was gonna give me a good whipping and I believed him. Maybe joey needed someone when he was a yoot to have kicked his ass, so he didn’t turn out to be an asshole.

  4. this is fucking comical. So the black woman president of Harvard plagiarist fired but Joe Biden white male President of the US plagiarist gets to keep his job.
    Democrat logic or white privilege.

  5. I have an image of Joe Biden blowing on a conch shell yelling “news team – assemble!” ala Ron Burgundy in Anchorman. Except the purpose of this gathering is to make sure no news is actually reported.

  6. The neutered slobbering lap dog pack of reporters will obey their masters just like they always do. Sit, roll over, play dead, shake. If they pull on that leash too hard they won’t get a treat.


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