Black Employment Expanded in May – IOTW Report

Black Employment Expanded in May

Breitbart: What’s the best-kept secret about the labor market in May? Probably the expansion of black employment.

The number of African Americans holding jobs expanded to 16,523,000 from 16,240,000 in May. That 283,000 rise was more than ten time the rise of the population, so it involves a real expansion of employment among African Americans.

Both black men and black women gained jobs. Black male jobholders increased by 170,000 to 8.97 million. Black female jobholders rose by 102,000 to 10.97 million. Those are record-high gains for each category.

So why did Bloomberg and others report these record-high job gains as if they were losses?

“Trump Invokes Floyd on Job Data Even as Black Unemployment Soars,” a Bloomberg headline proclaimed.


8 Comments on Black Employment Expanded in May

  1. A vibrant economic environment for blacks is the Democrats worst nightmare. How can you keep them on the plantation if they are doing fine on their own,

  2. I’ve recently been binge-watching all those old PBS “real life” shows about 21st C. people “going back in time” and living for months as “Frontier House”, “1900 House”, “Manor House” (Edwardian), and a Canadian production called “Frontier Quest” (best one of all).

    Anyway, take a look at the Black father and son on the “Frontier House” series. This show wasn’t produced all that long ago. A 60-something(?) dad and his son are one of the families who settles into Paradise Valley in the mountain foothills of Montana. They are provided with a biography and the kit to go with it.

    I was struck by the lack of on-going scolding by current day PBS about Black oppression. They talk about 1880’s reality and the current laws and social issues from that historical perspective. Otherwise, it’s simply blacks and whites settling the American frontier, and it’s pretty funny to watch how “modern” man and woman have to learn how to be self-sufficient when given no other options.

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