Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week – IOTW Report

Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week

You know the old joke about being caught by your friends while you’re riding a moped? Well, guess what? Turns out a lot of people would love to ride a moped, all you need is for the popular guy to hop on one first.

Last week, Donald Trump enjoyed the imprimatur of Kanye West. Turns out a lot of black people like Donald Trump, they just didn’t want to be caught riding the Trump moped. Now they are riding the Trump train.

Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week.


A poll taken on April 22, 2018 had Trump’s approval rating among black men at 11 percent, while the same poll on April 29, 2018 pegged the approval rating at 22 percent. It should be noted that Reuters only sampled slightly under 200 black males each week and slightly under 3,000 people overall.

Trump experienced a similar jump in approval among black people overall, spiking from 8.9 percent on April 22 to 16.5 percent on April 29.

Black males were also far more likely to say that they had “mixed feelings” about the president. On the 22nd, 1.5 percent said they had mixed feelings, while 7.1 percent said the same on the 29th.

We’re a P. Diddy away from cutting into the left’s stranglehold on black minds.

36 Comments on Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week

  1. Did anybody happen to catch whut Mad Maxine Waters said about Kanye?
    The old bag tore into Kanye West for West´s heresy in questioning the hegemony of the Democratic Party among black Americans. Waters stated, “Kanye West is a very creative young man. … But we also think that sometimes West talks out of turn and perhaps he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts.”

    Oh yeah, well the un-said message here is whenever a Black man wants to express his God-given right to free speech off the Plantation he’d better schedule it with Mad Max first… and if he doesn’t he’ll have to sign up in a re-education camp.
    I’ll bet that’s gonna go over real well with Black folks! Word travels.
    Yeah… just wind her up and let her go. People will see for themselves what the Left is really all about: Money, Power, Control and Containment.

  2. there was a time I’da hopped on anything w/ 2 wheels …. especially gasoline powered!

    (my legs, elbows, several ribs, numerous knuckles & wrists can attest to that statement)

  3. Kanye is about to wake the Black Nation up from its long sleep.
    They will see that the Left is the real slavemaster.
    This will go in an unexpected directions.
    Church Going Blacks are about to show White Conservatives how its done.

  4. There are so many great black men and women, who are really afraid to speak up. Very hard to have a conversation with them. There is something wrong with the black community; they talk about leaders and organizers etc. Irish, Italian, Polish, Jewish communities have differences, but they are Americans, Blacks just don’t get it. Koreans move into Harlem to sell fruit and vegetables, the blacks get pissed off. Al Sharpton want’s to boycott them. Even assaulted the Koreans. So the Koreans pack up and move to the upper West side. Blacks have no place to get fruits and vegetables unless they take the subway or bus to the upper West side.
    Michelle Obama moves in and wants fruit and vegetables stands in
    Harlem. I for got my point?
    Oh, No wonder intelligent blacks are getting pissed off. We need them in the Conservative Party. And we welcome them!

  5. There are no “leaders” in the Irish community. Only the blacks have “Leaders.”
    Ted Kennedy was never a “leader” of mine; whereas Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and their ilk remain “leaders” of the black community. Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas are cast aside. What a disgrace!

  6. It would be amazing and hilarious if, after decades on the LBJ plantation, it only took comments from Kanye to steer them right.

    Nothing surprises me anymore on this mindless planet.

  7. Kanye seems ernest, but the elite media is already calling him crazy and off his meds. Well actually he is; .
    Still, despite his mental issues, he is coherent enough to know Democrats are trying to destroy black Americans. The Deep State is planning to take him out. God help him.

  8. I have been following a lot of his tweets, Mike Cernovich is retweeting practically everything. Kanye has responded that he doesn’t love everything Trump is doing, but he clearly appreciates that Trump is making this country better. If you read every one of his tweets you will see a lot of liberal thought too, but the important thing is his message of freedom of thought. And he is doing a great job of responding to those who are trying to shut him up.
    This is a watershed moment. Blacks can now vote their conscience, whether Dem, GOP, or other. And a huge portion of it is due to this ego-driven rapper.

  9. Moe Tom, great comments. The only answer I’ve figured out for the passivity and stagnant advancement of black Americans over 80 years now, is fear of intimidation and effective indoctrination by Democrats. The State becomes the provider and a cadre of Democrat controlled prop “leaders” are put in place to control black communities. Eventually, self destructive behavior – crime, abortion, substance abuse, fatherless families becomes habitial. This is what Democrats have created. Trump has exposed this Marxist plot and scales are falling from the eyes of black Americans blinded by a elitist progressive, diabolical political class – The Democratic Party.

  10. Kanye West is on Trump’s bandwagon, but I’m off.

    He has been a big disappointment to me. The wall is not going to get built, and the illegals are still streaming in. Meanwhile, we’re involved up to our necks in NK and Syria, two places I don’t give a FF about. Trump is dreaming about that Nobel Prize for “Peace”.

    IMO he caved. The “Powers That Be” behind the throne got to him early and often. They turned him around the way a child molester turns a kid into a pervert.

    Whatever that power is, they are all for destruction of borders and the destruction of America as a strong and free country.

    We are ‘effed up and damned to hell. Even the Boy Scout movement is dead. Is America even worth fighting for anymore? I have a sense that our best fighters, like Ann Coulter, may be at the point where the question is: what’s the use anymore?

  11. My niece worked for Kanye West and was friends with him before agreeing to work for him. She runs with a pretty fast crowd, but is in many ways quite conservative. She is in the fashion industry and travels the world purchasing fabric. I don’t know anything about the guy but she said you don’t have to guess what he is thinking, he Is a straight shooter.

    I never know what she is up to, my wife fills me in from time to time from Facebook or something. My niece said I would get along with him just fine.

  12. Moe Tom,

    There are leaders in the black community, but the media freezes them out and gives the microphone to their hand picked mouthpieces. It is a dirty little secret that the Democrat machine and the media conspire in this regard and it needs to be exposed. This cat just might be the guy to break that stranglehold up.

  13. i can see the democrat slave masters and their black foremen now, cracking whips and screaming “back to the plantation you niggas!!” keeerackkkk.

  14. My post has no connection to B_B and Tim Buktoo.
    It’s for BFH and Poor Lazlo…
    But, since I posted and ride my ride…

    Tim Buktoo
    “..on Trump’s bandwagon, but I’m off”
    Thanks for sharing.
    You’re out? cya’s
    You’ve already mentally lost
    If you are just having a bad day, a ranting…
    Your call to clarify or not.

  15. @Bad_Brad May 2, 2018 at 11:45 pm

    >Occasionally I read peoples comments here and wonder, “What does that dumb asshole do for a living”. This is one of those moments.

    Sounds like revenge for something I said. Calm down.

  16. It all bodes well, but it is still a searing indictment on the whole idea of independent thought on the part of negroes.

    Why would “black males” need any-fukkin-one to tell them what to think?

    Thank you, Mr. West, for not toe-ing the Party line.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. @Sylvester Howard Roper

    >You’re out? cya’s
    You’ve already mentally lost
    If you are just having a bad day, a ranting…
    Your call to clarify or not.

    hey, I’m clarifying…..a despair day because of No Wall and Boy Scouts.

    peace and good tidings to y’all.


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