Blade Runners – IOTW Report

Blade Runners

These British citizens have had enough. They are doing something about all the surveillance cameras in their cities.

Some of the comments:

  • I hope if this type of thing ever happens where I live that enough people will get organized to also remove the cameras.
  • People all over the world are fed up with government overreach. It isn’t just us. The People are speaking up everywhere no matter how much the media tries to hide it.
  • I live in the zone where these are placed, let’s just say, in the morning there’s a new camera, by lunchtime, it’s gone every single day.
  • Imagine being a member of the UK Parliament. You spend 20 years creating the surveillance state, spend over 200 billion cash, and a rowdy group of teenagers brings it all down in one evening.
  • Those cameras are anti-human and anti-freedom of choice. I applaud these ‘Blade runners’.

Let’s pray we do the same. In the USA, this is our tea harbor!

h/t Dadof4

14 Comments on Blade Runners

  1. here, they’d just blame Trump & try to invoke the 14th Amendment after the FBI trained people take out the cameras & then arrest them for a Trump-induced ‘insurrection’

  2. UK Parliament didn’t spend 200 billion of their own money to erect the police state. They spent 200 B of the citizens money to surveil the same people they confiscated the money from in order to antagonize their own people.

  3. Our state has just started this plate pay on turnpikes. I hate turnpikes but they’re a necessity for different areas we travel unless you want to go up to an hour out of your way.
    We have pike pass, but it’s still annoying, I saw their new signs this weekend, as the new system started August 29th. Double for plate pay vs pike pass.
    So I would laugh my butt off if people took down their cameras.

  4. I read somewhere that “Juggalo” makeup….
    gave AI recog a fit….or was it “Guy Fawkes” masks….????

    I’m definitely for masking up….
    just not their way….nome….????

  5. We are broke. The government does not have the dollars to waste on surveilling innocent taxpayers. Surveillance and crime are both rising. Enough. Time to pay down the debt.


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