Breaking News – Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer – IOTW Report

Breaking News – Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer


Rush Limbaugh has announced that he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. 

The radio personality, 69, told listeners the news live on his show Monday afternoon explaining he will not be on the air for some days due to treatment after being diagnosed on January 20. 

Limbaugh said he first noticed something was wrong over his birthday weekend of January 12 and had thought about not telling anyone of the news.  

But the staunch Republican, who is a friend of President Donald Trump, added: ‘There are going to be days that I’m not going to be able to be here.’ 

  • The radio personality told listeners the news live on his show Monday afternoon 
  • He told them he will not be on the air for some days due to treatment 
  • The staunch Republican is a friend of President Donald Trump and the pair have been spotted golfing together on a number of occasions 
  • ‘This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory’ he said


66 Comments on Breaking News – Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

  1. Rush has the unique gift of being able to dissect and then relate the issues like few others ever have. A national treasure whom I’m praying for and hoping for the best outcome.

  2. Dear God, Abba Father, we pray for Rush, his family, his doctors, all his medical caregivers AND, and, and.
    Please do whatever is best for his soul.

    I am now in my first day of chemo, hooked up to a coat tree of bags ans needles. I sent DH out for crab salad for me to chomp on, he came back and told me about my Rush. Pray for Rush.

  3. I had the rare honor of being allowed to speak with him on air once a month. That was almost 30 years ago. From 91 to 94. I quit calling because of a Dittohead stalker. I was actually called and put at the head of the line. Much to the hatred and sneers of the newspaper where I worked as a compositor.
    God Speed, dear man. And much love to you, from Jewel from Lancaster.

  4. @Plain Jane – I underwent chemo over the summer, had a double mastectomy in the Fall, and now have three more weeks of radiation to go. Then I should be clear. It’s a long, tiring journey. I will keep you in my prayers.

  5. Devastating. I hope it isn’t small cell lung cancer which is very deadly and fast. I can’t imagine life without his show. I’ve listened either live or to his pod casts for years. It is like hearing a family member is ill. I pray for a miracle recovery. 69 is too damn young.

  6. There’s only one Rush Limbaugh. No one can replace his wit, humor, analysis and insight. There’s simply no replacing him. Prayers for his speedy and complete recovery.

  7. Such a large part of my survival as a Reagan Conservative here in Chicago has been in no small part due to listening to Rush. He has kept me sane. I have been with him since the beginning during the Clinton years and Rush IS family as far as I’m concerned. Tears just started spontaneously flowing. God bless this man. I know I am not alone in these feelings. The man is a legend, a true patriot and one of my biggest role models/heroes. God bless you and speedy recovery Rush. Love you!

  8. This awful news just crushed my 50 year drought super bowl high, it’s just devastating …

    If your a smoking member of our IOTW family please consider quitting. Small cell is just the worst.

    I pray for all who are fighting now and for Rush and all the Limbaugh family. I lost my Dad in August to liver cancer, never drank a drop. He was a Korea and Vietnam Naval Aviation Corpsmen. Damn liver flukes got a lot of sailors.

    At least the VA came through for those guys, they treated my Dad like gold through his fight, paid every penny of his care.

    May God bless you all.

  9. Though the doctors have spoken, we depend on your word almighty King. Our faith is not in the utterances of men but in your eternal grace. We ask for your healing in the life of Rush and comfort and peace for Rush and Kathryn.

  10. Prayers for Rush!

    Of course, it’s in God’s hands but thank the Almighty he has the money to fight this disease. Look at how many times they snatched Ruth Ginsberg out of Hell’s hands.

    We know prayer works! No way, no how would Trump have made it this far and accomplished this much without prayer.

    These battles can only be won on our knees praying to God.

  11. I will not be at all surprised to see a torrent of classless, snide, cruel remarks from the oh-so-tolerant left. They exult over the illnesses and deaths of their foes in a manner that’s vile, reprehensible and evil. Think I exaggerate? Look up what was said after Scalia passed.

  12. During the hanging chad period, as I listened to all of the methods being used to increase voters for the mentally sick Al Gore, it was Rush who kept me calm, spoke of the power of reason against hysteria and gave me hope that we would prevail. God Bless him..

  13. Many hours of me and Rush, drivin’ and sighin’ then laughin’, cryin, knowin’ it would all turn out in America’s favor in the end.

    Prayers, dittos, and hang in there FRIEND.

  14. I was relocated to Cape Cod Mass in 1990 for work reasons, pretty much uninformed and apolitical. Then I discovered Rush. I resisted him as a bombast at first

    But when I left in 1994 my thought processes had developed due to Rush’s logic. I stayed one extra day in Mass upon my exit to vote against Ted Kennedy for Senate. Shrug. For Willard Mitt the rat.

    Thanks Rush. Get strong. We’re praying for you. And PJ and all the rest of my fellow patriots going through rough patches.

  15. PHenry, that’s pretty funny, stuck around an extra day so you could vote for Mitt. If you had only known who he really was. At least you had the satisfaction of being on your way out.

  16. The Mayor of Realville is the most indefatigable person that I know…but don’t know, although I feel as if I DO know him?

    Been listening since around 93′ Only Bob Grant predated his greatness, ‘talent on loan from GOD’.

    C’mon Rushbo aka The MahaRushee, beat this one!

    And for all the IOTW’ers out there, a sign of the cross to YOU all.

  17. There are numerous advancements in the treatment of lung cancer..
    6 years ago one of patient’s adult children said she had 6 months to live…

    She’s still on the planet doing wonderful with new treatments

  18. Rush has been a Godsend for me. In 1989 I was a new conservative Christian who had just escaped the soul killing gulag of radical leftism.
    Happened to just turn on the radio one day and there he was – speaking truths that helped set me free so long ago. He’s still so inpirational, even to this day.
    I will miss Mr. Limbaugh immensely. He’s been like a brother, even though we’ve never met.
    Praying the Lord, in His mercy gives us more wonderful years of the “…lovable little fuzz-ball” with the heart of a lion, because when he does leave us, it will be really tough to soldier on without him.

  19. Here’s the thing about what Rush achieved, and don’t take this as a premature obituary. when he started he was the only voice in the wilderness that voiced common sense to people in their cars and trucks. We mostly didn’t watch William F. Buckley on PBS Firing Line. He was too egghead Brahmin to which most couldn’t relate.

    Rush brings logic to people who hadn’t previously heard it. Truck stops, construction sites, mom doing domestic stuff, computer programmers.

    Rush created an Army of well informed individuals that never really met until the Tea Party movement found each other. Once we met, we easily communicated amongst one another, in terms like ‘founding documents’, ‘God given rights from our Creator’, ‘Bill of Rights’, etc.

    Rush built all off that. He built the political alliances and instant friendships that transcend his program.

    Rush built the modern conservative movement that has brought us President Donald John Trump.

  20. All men die – that’s a fact. I was really hoping Father, Son, Holy Spirit, & Rush, would be delaying that for another 40 years or so.

    You came up through Reagan, and managed to get us to to Trump. If you do NOTHING else for the rest of your life, you have our eternal gratitude for this!

  21. Everyone can remember where they were when they first heard Rush. Hubby and I were moving out of state in 1991, him driving the U-Haul and towing the old Jag, me following in the minivan. After too many miles and hours of FM, I switched to AM for some talk to keep me awake. Next fuel stop, I told him, ‘You gotta listen to this guy!’

    Finding IOTW many years later was the visual equivalent of that audio epiphany.

    Praying for longevity for both.

  22. Terrible news for both his family and America if not the world. Rush has been in the front lines holding back this liberal/left attack on democracy, free speech and freedom for decades now and it’s fair to say that without him the horizon would be a damn site darker than it is today.
    While I’m sure that the walking dead liberals will be dancing on the net today I’m also sure that if anyone can beat this it will be Rush. My prayers go out to him at this time of his peril.

  23. I was a liberal 31 years ago when I met my husband. Hated Reagan. That soon turned around and then hubby introduced me to Rush. <3 Just thinking about this new generation the other day and who will carry the standard. Hopeless. He ain't gone yet, but I cried and cried when I heard the news.

  24. prayer for Rush … hope he gets the deluxe Ruth Buzzie Ginsberg treatment he needs

    although the man exasperates me at times, I can’t imagine a daily part of my life since 1989

    Godspeed Mr. Limbaugh … we’re all here for you

  25. I was fresh off the worst time in my life and my Dad goes, “Hey son. There’s a guy on the radio I think you might like.”

    Been a longtime staunch listener ever since. Please Jesus. Heal him…

  26. Pray for him. Millions will. God listens. Heartbroken when I heard the news, but I’m always hopeful. This site wouldn’t even exist if a person like Rush Limbaugh hadn’t started the conservative movement.
    Pray for his recovery. We have the best medicine in the world!

  27. I was listening to the program when he made the announcement. During the lead-up, I thought “Damn. He’s going to retire.” I remember my irritation when he took all that unannounced time off around his birthday and assumed he was playing golf somewhere. I feel bad about that now. Please, God. Your will be done, but let our collective prayers drive this evil thing from his body.

  28. I am confident as I can be that Rush knows Jesus has his Lord and Savior and his place in Heaven is secured. There is peace in that knowledge for his family.

    John 5:24

  29. If God is calling him home, I will miss his show. First started lisenting in 1989. Was on my way to work in Roanoke, VA and looking for something to listen to on the dial. Hooked on the first show I heard.

  30. every time i’ve written him, over the years – and it’s been many many times – i have asked him about his “apprentices”…..he needed to be training his replacement years ago….perhaps he has, or not…..

    hey rushbo…..die at your own peril…..i will come get you if you try it!!!!!

  31. Man this announcement is a bigger shock than when Rush announced he was deaf, and I thought his show would end 19 years ago. It’s also a cautionary tale for me, Rush is only eleven months older than me, we’re both of an age where probability of serious disease increases.

    Been listening to his show since early 1990s, just after he was featured on 60 Minutes or some similar show, and I discovered a few days later he was on a local talk radio station.

    I have friend that is several years older than me, mid 70s I guess. Church deacon, all round good guy, who formed a new BSA troop 20 years ago with the goal to sheppard my son and another boy to Eagle Scout, plus as many others that would commit to the challenge. They succeeded.

    Last year he began loosing weight, was told his diabetes medication was no longer correctly controlling it. But was later diagnosed with lung cancer. He has turned from Pillsbury Dough-boy plump into Mr. String Bean, and now says he doesn’t have the strength to go into the kitchen to microwave heat food people bring to him. On top of the burden of cancer is wife unexpectedly passed away two months ago. We’re hoping he survives it. I am on a list of people to drive him to chemo treatment, but thus far a closer family friend has taken the days I was on standby to drive him. Also hoping and praying Rush recovers by receiving the correct best treatment out of many options. But watching my friend’s struggle against lung cancer. I have no illusions – I know Rush has a tough road ahead. I do hope he survives, and thrives.

  32. My dad was a staunch Rush listener until he passed away. I grew up listening to Limbaugh go on about things I didn’t understand at first, and then when I began to I always made sure to catch his show (on his site usually).

    Hiss insight and courage and refusal to be silent has encouraged so many… my dad and myself included. The brash and bold way that he speaks is very similar to how my dad spoke…

    Please, God, heal him. Losing Rush so soon after my dad would hurt an awful lot.

  33. I have been in such a funk after hearing this yesterday. As a friend said, I feel as if I’ve been sucker punched. Watching that video, he seems to have aged a lot. Praying for Rush. FIGHT, Rush!


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