Brexit Deal Dies In Parliament, But PM Survives – IOTW Report

Brexit Deal Dies In Parliament, But PM Survives

In a stunning defeat, Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit agreement with the EU was rejected in the House of Commons by a whopping 230 vote margin. Members from both sides voted against the deal that Number 10 Downing Street had worked on for months. More

Earlier today the PM survived a follow up no confidence vote. May responded by calling on all members of Parliament to work together on a plan they all find agreeable. More

7 Comments on Brexit Deal Dies In Parliament, But PM Survives

  1. I will never understand Limey politics.

    They thrive on treason and pusillanimity.

    We do, too, but we try to hide it – they ADVERTISE it!
    No wonder they’re just another Euro-Trash Sewer.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Financial advisor yesterday suggested that there might be a re-vote which would result in a Stay. Only way I could imagine fewer people wanting to leave would be a rigged vote. There has been so much anti-EU since the original Brexit vote 31 months ago.

  3. It must have been a year ago: May had a deadline by which something was supposed to be done. My wife said that if it did not happen then May would have to step down.

    I asked “What would happen if this is not done and May did NOT step down.?”

    My wife said, “This is not some third world country. She will have to step down.”

    Well, whatever it was that was supposed to take place did NOT happen, and May did NOT step down.

    I guess it is about the same as the US Constitution saying we are supposed to have a yearly budget, and how long has it been since we had a budget?

    These people are too important to have to play by the rules.

  4. @RadioMattM January 16, 2019 at 2:07 pm

    > These people are too important to have to play by the rules.

    When the rule are subject to change without notice, there are no rules. You really need to embrace that, if you’re going to play (even, just follow) the game. No rules. No cheating. Just “What can we get away with, today?”. That is the whole of The Law.


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