CA lawmakers want to release older and younger inmates – IOTW Report

CA lawmakers want to release older and younger inmates


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) ā€” To ease overcrowding in state prisons, California lawmakers want to release more of the state’s older prisoners and more of the inmates who were young when they committed their crimes.

The two bills sent to Gov. Jerry Brown in the waning days of the legislative session are the latest attempt to keep the prison population below the cap set by federal judges, with the goal of eventually ending federal oversight.

One requires parole officials to consider whether “age, time served and diminished physical condition” reduced the risk for future violence by older inmates. And the other mandates officials consider whether young people fully understood their actions and if their lack of maturity allowed for a greater chance of rehabilitation.

The measures follow voter-approved early-release efforts in recent years that have reduced penalties for drug and property crimes and, most recently, allowed more sentencing credits that can lead to earlier releases for inmates who complete rehabilitation programs.

Law enforcement agencies and victims’ organizations say the efforts put hardened criminals on the streets and create safety issues for communities. They point to rising crime rates following the earlier initiatives as evidence that once out from behind bars many convicts return to their criminal ways.Ā  read more

16 Comments on CA lawmakers want to release older and younger inmates

  1. Why not release them all and give them $5million to start a new business? We have a fool for governor and fools everywhere in Sacramento government. They are all Dum de dum dems.

  2. So they want to release older and younger inmates. That certainly narrows it down to everyone.

    How does one attain this magical Goldilocks Porridge age where one can be sent to prison for a crime? You’re not too young, you’re not too old. You’re juuuust right to go to jail.

    Because just hearing this, it sounds like a clear 14th Amendment violation where you’re discriminating against applying the law equally to everyone on the basis of their age.

  3. Wait! I know the answer! High speed rail from LA to San Fran!!! It’ll cure everything! I’ll be dead!! Vector diseases!!

    Awoooooo…Werewolves from London…Awoooooo!

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