Californians Will Break New Law If They Shower and Wash Clothes On Same Day – IOTW Report

Californians Will Break New Law If They Shower and Wash Clothes On Same Day

Gateway Pundit

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law which just went into effect that limits personal water usage. People can even be hit with massive fines if they exceed their limit by doing laundry and taking a shower on the same day. More

35 Comments on Californians Will Break New Law If They Shower and Wash Clothes On Same Day

  1. This is a means to their End. They want to make criminals out of ordinary law abiding citizens, the middle class for the most part, this IS what it IS about.

    This way they can say “Hey everyone, look over there…they’re ‘breaking the law’ (now).

    LOOK at what is happening in Va!

    The constant erosion of liberties leads to a deep river empty canyon.


  2. This law is way overdue. If everyone stinks because of lack of showering and/or clean clothes, then they may not notice the poop on the sidewalks.

    Finally, third world solutions for third world problems caused by third world politicians – albeit in California.

  3. …That is a TERRIFYING shower head, @BFH, I keep expecting blood, shit, or the souls of children to come pouring out of it at any time.

    Thanks for shower time nightmares that even Norman Bates couldn’t top, one of THOSE should cure all Californians of any yen to get clean REAL quick…

  4. …I am really, really puzzled why anyone wants to live there…yes, nice weather and good views (if you’re on the coast or near the mountains), but is it REALLY worth all THIS?

  5. They shhut off the water to save a little fish? Now a man can’t even properly wash his own little shrimp?

    Wonder who wants that land. . .

    What’s land in the San Joaquin Valley worth nowadays.

  6. Read the linked story, people. The writer switches from liters to gallons as if the two units of measure are equal. How are these folks going to report the news? Or save the planet?

  7. I did not bother to read the article.

    Does it mention water usage and waste from POT production??

    What about the introduction of a ‘non native plant’ into ecosystems, some up in Northern Cali, amoung the oldest on the planet.

    But, but, but…

    @OldManJohnson – having water in Cali, in the next ten years, will be the next Gold Rush…

  8. Typical Democrat. Why motivate citizens with a carrot when you can wield a stick. With Democrats it’s all about having power and control over others. Disgusting.

  9. Commifornia all the way.

    I’ve been watching COMRADE DETECTIVE on Prime. It’s like it was written by the social justice warriors, the demoncrats and all the commie bastard traitors in our government.

    Commie Propaganda in Romania Then is commie propaganda here, now. It’s shit runs deep in this country.

  10. …at the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Josephus reported that the Zealots within tortured the fat on the assumption that they were successfuly hiding food.

    …look for the Liberals in California to do the same to the clean so they can seize their water…

  11. Moved to Vermont in July, by September I learned that groups, usually women wit nothing to do, get approved to walk your property and ticket you for various violations. In one month I was ticketed for grease spot on dirt driveway, previous renter, having two bottles of clothes washing soap on the premises, in garage. It is not allowed to use cleaners for shirts and they must be collected at a public place, my office, and driven by truck from an out of state service. No pollution doing that I guess. Casual Vermont under a police state.

  12. Sorry, you get the government you vote for. And if you didn’t vote for these people, then get the hell out and start taking more seats in congress from this shithole state.

    Somebody needs to get the idea of leaving the United States back into these asshole’s minds. The sooner we get them the fuck out of here the better.

  13. Strangely, the article mixes liters and gallons in their examples. 40-50 liters for a load of wash and 17 liters for a shower while being limited to 55 gallons. The amounts for the wash and shower would both total less than 20 gallons.

  14. I don’t feel sorry for Californians. They voted in these fascist leftists.

    Here’s the thing; all the water rationing is totally unnecessary. The root cause of the fascist leftist Democrat water- rationing is the California state EPA fascists ordered that all the state’s reservoirs be emptied three-quarters empty, just so that some stupid baitfish or snail or snailfish wouldn’t go extinct.

  15. @Hunter January 4, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    > Sorry, you get the government you vote for.

    You know, son, the little girl’s ‘d take that more seriously, if you pulled that plug outta your thinkhole, first.

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