Capital Hill Gunman Story Will Disappear Because He’s Not Right-Wing – IOTW Report

Capital Hill Gunman Story Will Disappear Because He’s Not Right-Wing


Today will officially mark the end of this story as it doesn’t involve a crazy conservative white guy. On the contrary, it’s a black liberal kook who’s apparently part of the absurd “Raise the Wage’ movement thats’s big in lefty circles. So now the story will be buried. Just a good thing this nutcase didn’t hurt anyone.

The man who drew a gun at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center on Monday previously called himself a “prophet of God” and said he didn’t obey man’s law.

U.S. Capitol Police said Larry Russell Dawson of Antioch, Tennessee, has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon and assault on a police officer while armed. Dawson, 66, was shot by a U.S. Capitol Police officer and is hospitalized in stable but critical condition, police said


ht/ annie

13 Comments on Capital Hill Gunman Story Will Disappear Because He’s Not Right-Wing

  1. “Dawson, the pastor of St. Luke’s Church outside Nashville, . . . .”
    It would be interesting to do a follow up on the man, his preachings, his church, his congregation.
    Here we have a nutcase in change of the asylum. How does that affect the rest of the inmates?

  2. @ wauco

    IOTWReport can’t afford pink slips. You were let go. Something about bringing your kid to the site and then someone’s lunch went missing. The resulting low blood sugar of the one missing his lunch made him a total ass and he demanded blood be spilled.

    There was a meeting no one attended and it was unanimous – you were to be stripped of your name for at least one post. It was left up to you if you wanted to come back. Looks like you did.

    If that wasn’t your kid – sorry for the inconvenience. Somebody had to pay.

  3. Wauco

    Either you knew the rules or you knew what kind of assholes you’re dealing with here.

    If not, well, you do now. ?

    btw Do you have the currently approved elevator tickets for the site? MJA handles that. I thought you could send a small donation, but nooo. It involves feeding her peeled grapes while dressed like an Egyptian fanner.

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