Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Spends $30K on Hair and Makeup in One Year – IOTW Report

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Spends $30K on Hair and Makeup in One Year

GP: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson wants to look good while his city burns around him.

According to election board records, Johnson spent $30,000 on hair and makeup during his first year in office.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the majority of the money went to makeup artist and self-described “skincare enthusiast” Denise Milloy’s Makeup Majic.  The business is based in a home on the city’s South Side, and records show that more than 30 payments were reported to her in 2023 and 2024.

While a campaign spokesman asserted that “Hair and makeup services are commonplace among high-ranking public officials,” Johnson appears to spend more than other elected officials. more

27 Comments on Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Spends $30K on Hair and Makeup in One Year

  1. I can damned near remember,from back in the 70’s, all the women and lefties celebrating how much better things were going to be when all the old crooked white men were no longer in power. Hell, they were amateurs compared to the POC women who are placed in office today.

  2. He’s so vain, he probably thinks it’s all about him. I wouldn’t spend that much on personal care, haircuts etc. in 10 lifetimes. Of course, I’m also bald on top and buzz cuts are cheaper than regular haircuts which I do twice a year.

  3. Damn! He should ask for a refund. Only times I’ve seen him on tee-vee he looked like one of his homeless constituents. Vanity and hubris does run deep among politicians of color (POC). Could he be the male equivalent of Tiffany Henyard.

  4. Most politicians, but specifically black ones feel elected office is a license to steal. Their voters don’t care if they’re crooks, as long as they be black. And they would do the same thing in a heartbeat.

  5. How much does Mr DayGlow spend on florescent orange spray paint? And that hairpeice, what kind of glue do they use? Is it toxic? Cause I think some has seeped in.

  6. Wow, he looks like a Comicon cosplay herd nerd. All the hair gel and makeup in the world won’t change that look. Yeah, Chi-town Mayor is getting kickbacks.


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