Chinese Muslims Ordered To Turn in Their Korans – IOTW Report

Chinese Muslims Ordered To Turn in Their Korans

China knows what Islam is. Maybe their leftist comrades around the world will see the light as well.


Chinese Muslims have been ordered to hand over religious items including copies of the Koran and prayer mats or they will face harsh punishment.

Authorities are stepping up a campaign against Muslims in Xinjiang, north western China, according to Radio Free Asia.

Dilxat Raxit, a spokesman for World Uyghur Congress, said that people in Kashgar, Hotan and other regions had been notified that all Uyghur people must hand over Islam-related items. Notifications are also being broadcast via social network WeChat, telling people they must hand items in to government. authorities. Korans have been targeted in the region for the last five years because they are deemed to contain ‘extremist content’.




16 Comments on Chinese Muslims Ordered To Turn in Their Korans

  1. Once the slaughter commences the scum media will not allow us to revel in the imagery. They will not allow the world to see that someone knows the right way and that the muzlimes can in fact be dealt with through superior violence, and that it is effective. Its why they dropped the coverage of Duterte in the Pillypeens. Cant let us see it working….

  2. ,B>The World’s Irony Machine Just Exploded!

    So the communist flag-waving ANTIFA around the world who can’t seem to find any real fascists to fight, must look on as professional communists are demanding that actual fascists turn in their accoutrements.

    Liberal Euro-pussies and ANTIFA get upstaged by their philosophical overlords. What now liberals?

  3. So,

    I don’t agree with it. That’s like grabbing all of the King James bibles and making them illegal.

    ID the phucks that are making the problems and just kill them. Not so far different than what the Brits did with the Irish Republicans right?

    Now I do not know the depths of what the Brit’s war with the Irish Catholics were, but that is not far distant than the muzzies. The difference is they have been allowed to get away with it for over 1500 goddamn years. So, like playing whack’a’mole, kill them as their heads pop up and don’t imprison.

    The chinee should do the same.

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