“Cindy Brady” “Fanatical Trump Supporter” Fired From Radio Gig – IOTW Report

“Cindy Brady” “Fanatical Trump Supporter” Fired From Radio Gig

Susan Olson, co-host of Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics, was fired after sending a private Facebook message to an openly gay actor who took issue with Olson’s support of Trump. He said she was “spreading misinformation.” AKA “FakeNews.”

Here’s Olson’s FB message (written after the actor, Leon Acord-Whiting (never heard of him), posted his own FB rant.)


“Hey there little p—sy, let me get my big boy pants on and Really take you on!!! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of s—t too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook. You are the biggest f–-t ass in the world the biggest p—sy! My D—k is bigger than yours Which ain’t sayin much! What a true piece of s—t you are! Lying f–-t! I hope you meet your karma SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY.”

25 Comments on “Cindy Brady” “Fanatical Trump Supporter” Fired From Radio Gig

  1. What does f–t supposed to spell? I’m very fluent in swearing (many places of business have banned me), but I don’t know what these missing letters are. Can someone help me? I may need to expand my vocabulary.

  2. She went off the deep end and the station really had no choice but to fire her. But the washed up actor/producer started it when in his communications where he leaked a message to him from her described her as a Trump fanatic” or something like that brought him into this clash for no reason except to allow the little catamite chance to trash Trump and rile her up. I swear, the biggest bullies on the web today are members of the LGBTQWhatever community.

  3. Hey, I think they oughtta cut “Cindy” some slack. After all, her “mom” died just a couple weeks ago.

    Give her back her job!

    On another note, I’d tap that.

    Olson, not her “mom.”

  4. If the recipient of that rant had said the same exact things to another gay it wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow. What Ms Brady failed to understand is that there is a double standard and indeed we have lost our free speech rights. And indeed there cannot be two different opinons on some subjects. She was trolled and the troller made her response public knowing that the MSM would support him.

  5. I miss the old days where gay meant happy and nobody at the dinner table talked about sex-religion-politics.
    If you didn’t like someone you kicked their butt and shook hands after. I’m an old man if it wasn’t for my kids I wouldn’t even know how to turn this box on. take me home Lord, this world / people suck…

  6. I honestly can’t blame her. The only REAL mistake was calling him a fag. Otherwise it seemed like a typical angry response to a seriously douchey person. I’ll pray for her.

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