“City Killer” Asteroid Misses D.C. – IOTW Report

“City Killer” Asteroid Misses D.C.

USA Today

An asteroid the size of a football stadium capable of leveling an entire city hurtled by Earth on Friday at 41,000 miles per hour.

Despite its destructive powers, astronomers say we never had anything to fear: The colossal space rock harmlessly whizzed by, as expected, within 1.7 million miles of Earth – or seven times the distance from our planet to the moon.

The trajectory of the asteroid, named 2008 OS7, may have given it a wide berth as it passed Earth, but it still flew close enough to our planet for astronomers to want to track its path. More

14 Comments on “City Killer” Asteroid Misses D.C.

  1. Jethro, no they wouldn’t. But if we start seeing the government close up shop for a few days, we will know! They are all in their bunkers and leaving us to die.

    May God direct the asteroid directly to their bunker.

  2. Friday? Wrong day. If you want to catch our government at “work”, midweek is best. One bad apples spoils the bunch so you really don’t want any apples remaining.

  3. That works out to about 1270 Megatons of energy.
    Not sure, but I think that’s a lot.
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki were about 20 Kilotons each.

    So that’s about 60,476 Hiroshima bombs.
    I hope the maggots have good bunkers.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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