Confederate Battle Flag at School Leads to Lockdown – IOTW Report

Confederate Battle Flag at School Leads to Lockdown


– A trio of students has been suspended from school after one of them brought a Confederate battle flag to campus.

Officials said the disruption occurred Wednesday morning at Rockmart High School in Polk County when a 10th grade boy arrived with a Confederate battle flag attached to his backpack.

That’s where he was confronted by two African-American students.

“They wanted to confront him about what he had on his back pack. What did they say? Hey man why you doing that,” said Cupp.

Principal Cupp also said shoving and exchange of words among the students was minimal because staff broke it up within minutes. He said no weapons were found. But later in the morning, the school was put through a lockdown drill with students kept in class after rumors of other students bringing Confederate battle flags surfaced.

“We just did that as a precautionary situation to help maintain and control what could have been a bad situation,” said Cupp.


19 Comments on Confederate Battle Flag at School Leads to Lockdown

  1. The supreme court has ruled students cannot be denied their Constitutional rights.
    How exactly is this different from wearing the red, black and green AA flag?
    If two whites had accosted a wearer of such a flag, the outstanding young man would be invited to the WH and the two social deviants sent to the cooler.

  2. That would be “Pledge allegiance to the United States battle flag.” Confederate battle flag? When the hell did “battle flag” get added to the language? In all my years I’ve never heard or read “Nazi battle flag.”

  3. So, where’s the P.C. tolerance agenda when it comes to being white? It seems to me that public schools are brain-washing white kids into believing that we’re all equal and it’s supposed to be based on respect.. So, why isn’t this policy a 2 way street?..respect isn’t given away freely, it has to be earned.. and how in the hell can you respect anyone who manipulates the system?
    you know what else pisses me off? trying to find a pair of shoes that doesn’t look like I stole them from a black dude in the hood. Nike, Addidas, New Balance.. where are the shoes for white people? I hate wearing orange, acid green and purple. what happened to classy tennis shoes with decent color combinations?

  4. Snopes is a leftist-run enterprise funded by George Soros. The husband-wife team who oversee it deliberately skew the “truth” to advance the progressive agenda. I, for one, never use it, and whenever anyone says, “Look, this-or-that is true! Snopes confirms it,” then I know to ignore it.

  5. From my view this is what you get when they teach in history class that the war between the states was a civil war caused by evil southerners who wanted to defend slavery and take over and change the government of the USA. And that people in America were so evil we are the only nation that had to fight a war to end slavery.

    Instead of what it really was – the Lincoln administration that fundamentally transformed the USA from a union of sovereign states in to a union of colonies controlled by the ruling class in Washington DC, initially done to force southern states to continue paying off the national debt via tariff taxes. The ruling elite prefer subjects over free citizens.

  6. Or plain white tennis shoes without stripes, huge logos, tassels, bling or any other stupid shit inappropriate for work. Last time I bought shoes, two stores had exactly three pairs of plain white tennis shoes between them, none in my size, and couldn’t understand why I wasn’t thrilled with purple shoes with some million-dollar athlete’s name on them that cost $150. Then they wonder why so much business is done online there’s not enough ‘foot’ traffic to keep their stores open.

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