Connecticut Makes It Legal to Defend Yourself Against Bears – IOTW Report

Connecticut Makes It Legal to Defend Yourself Against Bears


Connecticut is the only state in the Northeast with a significant bear population but no bear hunting season. The new law, essentially a stand-your-ground law for bear encounters, was a modest step that has drawn critics from all sides.

Those who advocated instead for a bear hunt say the new law did not go far enough. They argue that bears must be taught to fear humans for their own protection, and that dead bears deter live bears from populated areas. More

15 Comments on Connecticut Makes It Legal to Defend Yourself Against Bears

  1. There’s a park near me with a large deer population that get into the city and onto the expressways causing all sorts of accidents. Eventually they’ll send the sheriff in for a controlled hunt and the bunny huggers have fits – can’t you catch and release them out in the country?

  2. Have had two bear encounters in my life.
    Once i was on a deck with a bunch of rowdy cottage goers,the bear just stood at the end of the driveway tilting it’s head back and forth wondering what was going on before wandering away.
    The last was much more alarming but the same outcome.
    Was in the bush following a feeder creek into a lake ,noticed a bear at the same time he noticed me, there was kind of a mutual understanding,leave me alone and i leave you alone.
    Done deal Yogi.

  3. I live in Connecticut….have had many bears outside my house….the only reason a black bear will attack is if their cubs are involved….douchebag liberals strike again

  4. Bears get into my trash and the frikkin coons eat my tomatoes.
    The deer ate the lillies and the hostas right down to the ground.
    The squirrels steal the sunflower seeds I put out for the birds.
    The bunnies beg for scratch grain but don’t destroy anything.

    It’d be a full-time job to protect myself from the friggin animals.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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