Corsica’s Legendary ‘Cat-Fox’ – IOTW Report

Corsica’s Legendary ‘Cat-Fox’

Wild-life experts in Europe believe that the legendary “chat-renard” (cat-fox) on the island of Corsica may actually be a new species. Measuring about 35 inches from head to tail, the animal has “very wide” ears, “highly developed” canines and short whiskers, according to officials. The animal also has a thick coat, stripes on its front legs and dark hind legs.”


15 Comments on Corsica’s Legendary ‘Cat-Fox’

  1. When a horse mates with a donkey you get a mule. A tough, hard working, but stupid animal. When homos and tranzies mate, you get stugots. Just sayin.’ I’m sure many foxes banged many cats over the years and they produced fox-cats. What’s the big deal?
    But imagine for a moment Rep. Gerard Nadler NY mating with Whoopi Goldberg or Betty Midler? Just imagine.

  2. My Ivan was a Main Coon and had some of the same features they say this cat has, big ears, canines and bushy striped tail. Don’t know why they think he is related to a fox, other than legend.

    But he is quite cute! I bet he purrs.

  3. @ Claudia – Hey, I just measured Buds (Tux type) and he is 32″ long!! Nose to tip of tail / tale.

    Fun story. Not impressed (by his size)!

    Ivan sounds like a big guy too!

  4. This is great! Seriously!
    Even though a Bin-Laden or Hussein remained so allusive for so long, it is great to know that we have the ability to track down this none threatening beautiful animal.

  5. I’m suspicious. Was the Trump corporation by any chance planning on building a resort on Corsica? This sounds like some environmentalists wackos are trying to make a case to stop development.


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