De Blasio’s Criminal Justice Deputy Arrested For Having Loaded, Unmarked Handgun – IOTW Report

De Blasio’s Criminal Justice Deputy Arrested For Having Loaded, Unmarked Handgun

Daily Caller: A high-level deputy in New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Office of Criminal Justice was arrested Saturday evening for being in a car with a loaded 9mm handgun that had its serial number scratched off.

Police were searching for the car in connection to an alleged shooting — surveillance footage from nearby shows several shots fired from the SUV, sources told the Post.

None of the three in the car admitted to owning the gun, so the authorities charged each of the three with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon. The driver, 25-year-old Caesar Forbes and Montel Hughes, 24, who sat in the front seat, were also charged with carrying knives.

De Blasio’s office said that Stevens was immediately suspended from her duties without pay, Patrick Gallahue, a spokesman for the mayor’s office, told NBC News 4. “We take these allegations very seriously,” Gallahue said in a statement. more

18 Comments on De Blasio’s Criminal Justice Deputy Arrested For Having Loaded, Unmarked Handgun

  1. Stevens spent her career with programs designed to reduce teen incarceration.

    Her latest project banning surveillance cameras in order that adolescents have more room to destroy came too late to save Stevens from damning surveillance footage.

  2. Just another Democrat want-to-be overlord who thinks the laws do not apply to their highness.

    Nothing to see here because Trump and Russia or something.

  3. If a good, strong candidate can be found then the Democrats could lose this mayor’s seat in 2019. This guy will likely not run but whoever succeeds him could have all of DeBlasio’s mistakes hung around his neck. In addition even though corruption runs rampant through the boroughs strong candidates could defeat some of the old, crooked city councilmen and break their hold on the workings of the city. This could be conservatives last, best hope to win their city back.

  4. Hm. Found a gun with it’s numbers scratched off. Is there a body cam video of finding it? So far, it’s also the perfect set of ingredients for a plant story. NY cops + confiscated gun + corruption + NY politics. Not a stretch.


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