Denizens of Georgetown Sign Petition Doing Away With Memorial Day – IOTW Report

Denizens of Georgetown Sign Petition Doing Away With Memorial Day

Campus Reform

With Memorial Day approaching, and Anti-American sentiment growing on campuses throughout the country, Campus Reform’s Video Reporter Addison Smith went to Georgetown University to see if students would sign a fake petition to “unrecognize Memorial Day as a federal holiday”, because it “celebrates American Imperialism.” 

The petition garnered 50 signatures, as an abundance of students signed on with enthusiasm. One man condemned Memorial Day as a celebration of American Imperialism before even having seen the petition.

“I don’t think Memorial Day should be a thing that we celebrate… I feel like it’s a celebration of U.S. imperialism and colonialism,” he said. 

He confessed that he didn’t begin to hate America, “until he got to college.” More

14 Comments on Denizens of Georgetown Sign Petition Doing Away With Memorial Day

  1. ‘He confessed that he didn’t begin to hate America, “until he got to college.”’

    And THAT sums up the entire problem, along with most of the public school systems. If you’re sending your kids to liberal arts colleges, you’re not exercising wisdom.

  2. From 20,000 feet up in the sky with no parachute. Since when did a holiday memorializing those who gave their lives in service to this country become an imperialist celebration. As a vet I call bullshit, these dumbasses know nothing about the meaning of sacrifice. Their idea of sacrifice is to make everyone equally miserable in order to make life equitable and fair for everyone. Guess what assholes, that only leads to the death and destruction of everything good about America’s providential founding. And once again as usual I hate the left and everything it stands for.

  3. Sorry folks, I will never get it.

    As long as I still remember seeing that first American flag waving at me when I returned from my first deployment I will always love and respect the ideas and values of America.

  4. Years of marxist indoctrination in schools and college campuses gave us this. A generation of a majority of lost, confused, stupid, entitled, and morally bankrupt snowflakes.

  5. There you have it folks, 4 year and 100+ grand for a lazy, entitled waste of oxygen that thinks their going to be able to spend the rest of their lives living at the parents place for free. They hate their country, and refuse to work for a living, and spout Marxist propaganda to all your family and friends. You know, younger versions of Bernie Sanders.

  6. What weaklings. What slaves to fashion.

    We watched on the sidelines as these monsters were created, and all we did was elected rats like Boehner, McConnell, McCain and the like to do our bidding.

  7. I wonder how many of them would have signed it if it was pointed out they would have to go to classes/go to work on what used to be Memorial Day when it becomes just another day?

    Just like the ones who complain the Federal Government recognizes Christmas, but don’t you DARE take away that day off with pay!

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