Dice – The left moves on to Plan B, Trump the racist – IOTW Report

Dice – The left moves on to Plan B, Trump the racist

8 Comments on Dice – The left moves on to Plan B, Trump the racist

  1. If you pay attention to what they’ve been saying, along with what they are saying now, it’s the real racists in America that are loudly proclaiming Trump to be a racist.

    But don’t expect the MSM to point that out.

  2. The dems are demented. They don’t really think Trump is a racist, they are so buttsore over Hillary losing the election their hate drives them to to absurdity.

  3. Idiot popped up and protested President Trump at Jamestown. Folding sign panels.
    I was at the gym this morning watching FoxNews on the elliptical machine monitor. The person on next machine was watching MSNBC. When President Trump was handling press on way out of Whitehouse,I saw the MSNBC version had big banner “Trump defends hid racist remarks.”(in all caps and bold font)

  4. And if the previous 8 years haven’t made us immune to the inappropriate and over-use of the word, the current president doesn’t give a rat’s ass what your simple-minded opinion might be.


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