Doug Jones isn’t popular with Black folks in Alabama – IOTW Report

Doug Jones isn’t popular with Black folks in Alabama

Maybe he should use Hillary’s idea about keeping a bottle of hot sauce in her purse. Now, where could he keep that bottle of hot sauce…


Breitbart– Desperate Doug: Radical Leftist Democrat Jones Barnstorms Alabama at Last Second with New Jersey’s Cory Booker, Massachusetts’ Deval Patrick.

[…] Jones has been desperately seeking to energize black voters in Alabama, as enthusiasm in the black community appears to be way down amid questionable ads that Jones and his allies have run.

“There doesn’t appear to be a lot of enthusiasm [among black voters for Jones],” Danny Ransom, the vice chair of the Civil Rights Activist Committee, told NBC News. The NBC story’s headline noted that there are not enough black voters in Alabama for Jones to beat Moore.

“Doug Jones needs black voters to beat Roy Moore in Alabama. They aren’t there yet,” NBC News’ Alex Seitz-Wald’s headline reads.

Nonetheless, Booker is just one of several high-profile black Democrats storming into Alabama to help Jones in the final days, per NBC’s report. read more

11 Comments on Doug Jones isn’t popular with Black folks in Alabama

  1. They should have turned the prism on this ad a little:

    Intro: a 14 year old black girl in nothing but her bra and panties is taking selfies in her bathroom mirror and posting them on instagram.

    Moments later, all sorts of “thumbs up” and “likes” start popping up on her page.

    The voiceover intones:

    Roy Moore is so racist that he wouldn’t even hit on underage black girls.

    Is this the kind of man you want representing Alabama?

    Outro: This ad was paid for by Friends of Alcee Hastings

  2. Are they referring to that moral paragon of virtue Alcee Hastings, the same one that settled disagreement
    with $220,000 of taxpayers money? He should be in jail for grand theft! Scumbag!

  3. Stuart Varney on FBN just reported the latest FOX poll showing Roy Moore down by ten with a 50 40 break. He had John Fund already saying Doug Jones would be sworn into office on December 22. I used to like Fund, but, it appears his antiTrump is clouding all sense of objectivity. Imagin he also was predicting President Hillary.

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