Dumb as Dirt Analogy From President of the American Federation of Teachers – IOTW Report

Dumb as Dirt Analogy From President of the American Federation of Teachers

19 Comments on Dumb as Dirt Analogy From President of the American Federation of Teachers

  1. She must be of the “smart in school dumb on the bus” persuasion….but we knew that going in.

    Better idea, students have to provide a business plan with positive return on investment to even be considered for student loans or PELL grants.

  2. Businesses did not want to shut down; they were forced to do so by the government. On the other hand, no one forced anyone to take out a student loan. And many of them probably shouldn’t have done so.

  3. How many of the student loans were for things like Liberal arts, Czechoslovakian history, or other useless degree, that doesn’t even qualify them to flip burgers.
    Just buying votes.

  4. What the low bread trash subhuman pieces of shit are wanting you to pay for is their spring break trips to Cancun and Daytona Beach. The folks I went to school with who focused on paying back what they borrowed worked durring spring break, the pieces of shit who graduated with us 25 years ago were the ones who were sure to be planning their spring break trip the first Daly of fall semester.

  5. I took out an SBA loan of $135,000 to rebuild my home after Hurricane Harvey flooded it. I paid back every damn cent of it in less than a year, with interest. It never occurred to me to ask for that debt to be forgiven. Screw those deadbeat students.


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