Washington Times
Eric Holder, the former attorney general of the United States, former political hack for boss man Barack Obama, penned a scathing piece in The Washington Post against today Attorney General William Barr, calling him, get this, hold the phone, grab a seat and take a breath — “nakedly partisan.”
That’s not pot calling kettle black.
That’s lousy, stinking, lying, spying, contemptuous partisan pitbull calling guy-doing-his-job black. More
He should know (must have just looked in the mirror).
In a just world that would be a writing on his cell wall.
Holder is responsible for gun running to the Mexican cartels…remember fast and furious? He’s also responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, as a result, including one of our own border patrol.
He singlehandedly destroyed the credibility of the Dept of Justice, and turned it into what it has become, ultra-corrupt.
Holder is on my list for eventual justice. I hope he’s also on yours.
The wingman is sounding nervous. Gotta get in front of it somehow.
Bezos rag, along with the rest of the lying mainstreamers, are going to come out in force to defend/hide their treasonous actions. This is just the start. Barr and Durham better sleep with one eye open.
Holder should have been hanged a decade ago.
Gee Wally, offhand it sounds like a certain Black, Radical Activist has something to be worried about!
Yeah Beave, looks like a lame attempt to deflect attention away from himself!
Oh good. I was hoping that sloth-like creature would weigh in on this. At least Barr don’t give guns to drug cartels.
Attorney General William Barr could not hope for a higher recommendation for his qualification as an honest Attorney General
SNL show script.
Whatsa matter, Meerkat? Not getting enough attention from your boyfriend?
What should we expect from a lying stinking filthy fukkin traitor?
Holder was a worthless piece of shit when he was shilling for Clinton, and he was a more active worthless piece of shit while committing treason for Obola.
Cited for Contempt of Congress, wasn’t he? Isn’t that one of President Trump’s impeachment articles? “Obstructing” Congress? That’s what Holder did when he refused the subpoena – but, of course, being an affirmative action negro shyster under a half-black, half-assed, moslem faggot president means never having to say you’re sorry.
Absolutely fucking shameless.
izlamo delenda est …
So said a black African pot calling the kettle black!
Eric “fast and furious” Holder is bankrupt of any sense of law and order. Go to hell, holder!
Whatever the Left does is a-okay; whatever the Right does is clutch-the-pearls and faint horrible. Got it.
Another Mulatto twat from the most corrupt administration in our history, flapping his weak chin.
Wait. Is dickHolder talking to us, or is this bullshit aimed at “HIS PEOPLE” ?
NEVER FORGET, that as US AG, he made that distinction.
So since I’m proudly not one of ‘his people’, any grouping you want that to be, racist blacks, communists, most corrupt politicians, shit-eater lawyers, career government parasites….
I hope you die a painful death, you treasonous bastard !!!
At least Loretta Lynch, on advice of counsel, has the good sense to STFU. Holder is still a cunt. No surprise there.
Wing man for FALN terrorist
This greasy POS should be waterboarded with loose excrement. (for starters)
Poor thing! he’s still angry he wasn’t born white.
Eric who?
People need to dial back their racism. Truth™ is, Barr’s a lazy twatwaffle. By now, he should be running thousands of missiles to white supremacist neo-nazis. Weapons Of Mass Destruction™ convictions, to follow. If it weren’t for the color of his skin, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
Never Forget that Holder corruptly & incompetently ran Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during Clinton’s reign of terror, setting the stage for the mid-Aught’s housing collapse and The New Depression 2008-2016 (Obola’s entire time in office)
He’s like a Reverse King Midas – everything he touched turned to $h!t.
The panic is real, the more they project the more they fear. Hammer time is just around the corner. Look for the attacks on Barr and Durham to intensify…
Anonymous…. You never said….
Do you spit or swallow?
Sit down m’nigga.
Holder was an AG for his boss who was an FAG.
JDHasty declares Eric Holder unfit to operate a toilet plunger and hand a guy a clean towel
A nose picking former AG (to a nose picking president) now picks his ass: with his head.
This thug has about as much credibility as Obama.
Is shitbird Holder breaking boulders at Leavenworth yet? 🖕
With a ballpeen hammer? 😡
Obama’s “wingman” is starting to flap his jaws to try to protect his ward. I suspect Holder knows the DOJ/FBI scandal is going to end in Obama’s oval office and before it’s all over.
My bet is that this POS Holder is relieved he got out in time to not get tarred with the Obama/Clinton spying & coup-plotting against Trump. Loretta Lynch will get thrown under that bus.
Let us not forget he was BJ Clinton’s bag man as well.
Well, if anybody knows what it means to be ‘unfit to be AG’…
Fast and Furious you ass hole
Remember him ripping little Elian Gonzalez from his home and family to send him back to Cuba.
If there isn’t a bullet with this thugly bastard’s name on it, there should be.
Hey Eric, sit down and shut up!
Coming from the biggest mercy ‘F’ given a job from Obama.
Eric “I am not the American Attorney General; I am not the tall Attorney General; I am not the thin Attorney General. I am the Black Attorney General”?
Oh, right: Fuck him! And all the rest of the Kommie Kenyans Krew.
See what I did there?
Shut your cock holster, Eric!