LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Dec. 27 (UPI) — Capt. Niloofar Rahmani, the first female pilot in the Afghan air force, has requested asylum in the United States over fears for her safety, her lawyer said.
Kimberly Motley, Rahmani’s lawyer, told CNN Rahmani has received death threats from insurgents and condemnation from Afghan government officials. She has been training at air bases in the United States for the past year and most recently completed training in Little Rock, Ark.
Motley said Rahmani’s family has relocated several times due to death threats.
“If she were to return to Afghanistan, she would be in fear of her safety,” Motley said. MORE
Seems like it kinda of defeats the original intent. I say hell no. Get her in the air over theatre. Do some of that pilot shit.
What the hell kind of social engineering experiment was this in the first place? A female fighter pilot from Afghanistan? I s’pose next you’re going to tell about a transgender, muslim convert.
Get to fuck outta here bitch. Get a job in a retail store selling perfume. We have plenty of pilots here.
First female FIXED WING pilot.
What is it, a Cessna? She gonna
drop 5lb bombs?
Get in line and take a number sister. Or get in a fighter jet and deliver some armaments. It’s just that simple. We’ll see what you can do, then we’ll talk about you request. Until then, request denied. Carry on. OUT!
Yeah she just wants to learn how to “land” a Boeing 747
I can’t take this bullshit any more.
Watch for the cunt to be on CNN or The View next week.
What is it, a Cessna?
Probably. The Cessna Caravan w/ a targeting turret and 2 Hellfires is one of the most effective aircraft in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the manned equivalent of the Predator. The Afghan Air Force is now receiving the Super Tucano as their main attack/CAS aircrft.
Why doesn’t she go back and just bomb the insurgents threatening her?
…and in ten or fifteen years when she’s an airline pilot hauling around planeloads of Americans, she can decide she really is a devout Muslim and fly her airplane into a building in a fit of religious pertinence.
Google Kitman and Taqiyya.
Send her back in the Cessna the Major mentioned. Let her get her vengeance on if she’s serious.
She doesn’t appear to have any sympathy for the thousands of US Service members in harms way in Afghanistan…..they “must” serve in an unsafe environment.
Why should any Afghan National in the Military be given asylum or was this their motive all along? Come to the land of milk and honey and infect it with cowardice, disloyalty and Islamic false teachings.
Just another “special” snowflake placing themselves above their National Needs regardless of her obligations in the Afghan military.
Just another coward, place her with Bergdahl, in the traitors are us platoon.
“Motley said Rahmani’s family has relocated several times due to death threats.”
BFD, there are electors right here in the USA that this statement applies to, if you can’t walk the walk, put on a Burka and let the Islamists beat you.