Follow Up: What Ever Happened To The “Ozone Hole”? – IOTW Report

Follow Up: What Ever Happened To The “Ozone Hole”?

There’s a UN video going around of a speech in 1992 called “Listen to the Children.” It features a girl, Severn Suzuki, laying on the guilt thick to the UN audience for ruining the environment and her future. Besides being Greta Thunberg before there was Greta Thunberg, Suzuki explains how she’s afraid to go outside because of the ozone hole (1:54 mark). Here 

Which raises the question, how is the ozone layer doing nowadays?

Well, BBC has an update which explains why no one on the left talks about it anymore and why Greta may not even know this was ever an issue in the first place. Here

33 Comments on Follow Up: What Ever Happened To The “Ozone Hole”?

  1. 20 or so years ago there was a hoax that eating apples was dangerous. Does anyone remember what that was called? An internet search turned up nothing.

    Try Alar – Dr. Tar

  2. “What the Alar thing began to reveal to me was how the message and the bombast that made the public face of social-justice liberalism, and the day-to-day lifestyles and interpersonal dealings among its adherents, didn’t even come close to adding up. These people were rude, confrontational, arrogant, and wallowed in privileges, and were also among the most openly racist people I ever encountered. Watching someone try and divert a conversation with someone from Mexico into a commercial for their high-minded ideas about “affordable housing” was the type of thing I witnessed all the time, as meanwhile anyone of any means had low-paid undocumented workers doing any dirty work for them they didn’t care to break a sweat over themselves.”

  3. @JDHasty

    Loved your link! It should be a post on its own.
    Many of us were gullible do gooders trying to make the world a better place.

    I got involved with the renewable/solar thing in college. Working on K Street in DC and organizing ‘Sun Day’ back in 1978.

    I was a volunteer. Strange, but right before the event (May 3rd) was to occur, the money for the paid staff dried up. Paid staff disappeared. EnviroMercenaries.

    I’m sure they work for Soros now.

    It informed me greatly about the ‘altruists’.

    It didn’t turn me into a full conservative quite yet. Many more life experiences finished that job.

  4. Ozone is O3.
    O3 is produced by the process:
    O2 + e = O1 + O1.
    O1 + O2 + e = O3.
    The “e” is energy.
    The energy source in the upper atmosphere is from the sun.
    No sun, therefore no energy, therefore no O2 disassociation and no O3 formation.
    The Ozone hole appears in the South Pole because the Antarctica winter can last anywhere from 3 to 6 months long.
    No sun for 3 to 6 months.
    No sun, no energy, no Ozone.
    It is that simple!
    There is more to the explanation that involves all the why, what, & wherefore but this explanation covers the basics.
    The Ozone hole is normal and natural.

  5. I am sincerely grateful that during and too the end of his life, the overly noted, understandably, atheist Steven Hawking was not a genius.
    “Black holes ain’t as black as they are painted,” says Hawking.
    He than followed up with “WTF is an “Ozone Hole”?

  6. Txn4evr – this year I invested in pumpkins. They been going up the whole month of September! I gotta feeling they’re gonna peak right around January and then – BANG – that’s when I’ll cash in!

  7. She is the daughter of Saint David Suzuki of the CBC \
    (Commie Broadcasting Corporation)

    She (like Jesus)sits at the right hand of David (God the father of Global Warming & Fruit Flies) who is immortalized in a statue in the CBC Building for the unwashed (uneducated) masses to praise.

    He has a degree in ZOOLOGY and has been eating & shitting & travelling all over the world with his foundation telling us to consume less for 83 years.

    I love as I love Big Brother, Al Gore, & Turduea

  8. When are they going to ever do something about this nightmare. It’s everywhere. Even in baby formula, and it in the oceans. Acid rain has nothing on this terrible pollutant. Let’s ban Di-hydrogen Monoxide.

  9. I love how everyone wants to save the planet by lecturing audiences, going to exotic locations, and sipping alcohol at receptions.

    Show me the environmentalist (esp. youth) who reduce their electronic waste, walk to school, don’t use uber eats, can exist without central air conditioning, and clean up after their own rallies & protests.

  10. AOC is absolutely correct on her Global Swarming alarmists. It is on par (or worse — and more expensive) than WWII. Except she and her “activists” proponents are the Nazis. And we are the American part of the Allied forces.

  11. No worries now about the Ozone Hole. oh, it’s still there, but we are all now protected by a gigantic umbrella made out of Benjamins.

    About the great poison apple hoax. You don’t need to remember the word “alar”.
    Just do an internet search for “meryl streep apple”.

    I think the only thing learned from these two previous hoaxes – is how to keep a profitable hoax going longer, and not let it slip away. The leftists study this kind of failure, determined to not let it slip away again, while the rest of us just get on with life.


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