Former NAACP President defends Confederate flag: ‘Black folks earned a place of honor, dignity with this flag’ – IOTW Report

Former NAACP President defends Confederate flag: ‘Black folks earned a place of honor, dignity with this flag’


It’s not just a matter of black and white.

HK edgerton

A former president of the North Carolina NAACP – and one of the few AfricanAmerican members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans – stood in front of a monument in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday to tell those passing why he wanted the Confederate flag to continue to fly.

H.K. Edgerton stood waving the flag, telling anyone who would listen why he thought the Stars and Bars stood for something other than hate and racism. He said the flag is a symbol of the South’s struggle with civil rights over the last 150 years.

“Black folks earned a place of honor and dignity with this flag; black folks and white folks in southland America are family,” Edgerton said, according to WYFF.   MORE

10 Comments on Former NAACP President defends Confederate flag: ‘Black folks earned a place of honor, dignity with this flag’

  1. This is what the Democrats cannot wrap their heads around. For the umpteenth time, the South did not seceed because they wanted slavery.

    The South seceeded on the grounds of States’ Rights as outlined in the Constitution.

    Very few Southerners were slave holders and an even smaller number abused their slaves.

    Many blacks joined the Confederacy in the War of Northern Aggression.

    The Democrats were the party of slavery.
    The Democrats were the party of carpetbaggers.
    The Democrates were the party of the KKK.

    And now the Democrats are the party of, again, trying to rip the country apart on race issues.

    And Republicans are racist???????

  2. The way I learned it in school led me to believe that every other southern family had slaves and every last one of the families lived on giant plantations slurping whiskey and smoking cigars. Never herd anything about white servants, poor whites, etc.
    Which is why every time I hear “old south”, Colonel Sanders pops into my head. LOL.

    And let’s not forget, dems were hanging not only blacks, but gays, ‘annoying’ whites, Italians, Jews…

  3. @ MJA and JCL
    I was taught and led to believe the same. It wasn’t until I was older that I found the truth.
    Strength and Honor Ladies ! May God bless and keep us all !

  4. @MJA — so sorry you had an inferior public school education. You are in the majority, unfortunately.

    I’m a 7th generation native of a major Southern city. My kids are 8th generation. My grandson in 9th generation.

    None of our ancestors owned slaves. However, my great grandfather was mentioned in an historical book for his ferry service.

    And my great-great grandfather has ties with John C, Calhoun.

    My message is to non-Southerners: Don’t form any opinion until you talk with true Southerners and hear their famly stories.

    I guarantee you’ll change any preconceived notions.

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