Forty Years Ago, Cholesterol Level of 300 Was Fine – IOTW Report

Forty Years Ago, Cholesterol Level of 300 Was Fine

Today? Why do they want us down to 150?

35 Comments on Forty Years Ago, Cholesterol Level of 300 Was Fine

  1. cholesterol can’t travel through the blood stream because oil isn’t water soluble. cholesterol travels with a coating. it’s called a lipid. lipids don’t cause blockage. inflammation causes lipids to stick to the lining of the arteries

  2. Well how many times have we heard coffee is bad for you, coffee is good for you, coffee is bad for you…
    Now today with all the known hoaxes, who knows what to believe?
    I just read a little while ago that higher cholesterol levels help fight off cancer.
    Ya wonder sometimes what is what anymore.

  3. Additionally, maybe it’s true and maybe it’s not, but after 2020 Big Pharma and the Medical Industry (it used to be a profession) have ruined the credibility so much that people just can’t trust them without wonder what the ulterior motive is!

  4. I used to work in the medical field from 1978 to 1996. Cholesterol and Diabetes are two of the biggest money makers for doctors (not including vaccines). Just like with Cholesterol, the cutoff number to be diagnosed as Diabetic has been going down, therefore, more people are put on medication they don’t need.

    It’s all a money train for pharmaceuticals and doctors. Of course, with Diabetes patients, the amount of carbs and sugar is extremely bad and they need to take care of themselves. But the fear they put into people who are not at risk just makes them needlessly taking drugs they don’t need to.

  5. Look around and you’ll see lots of examples of pharma-financed med school labs declaring that they have connected something they can measure with some condition that sounds scary. Different pharma-financed labs declare that the scary condition will happen to you if your measurement value is higher than (or lower than) X. The pharma companies themselves then declare that they have a drug that they promise will keep that value right where your pharma-financed doctor says it should be. The pharma-financed FDA has been in on this all along the way and has approved the use of the drug even though it can cause any of a long list of disgusting or fatal reactions.

    It all comes back to that “something they can measure.” Ask your doctors what they measure to see if you’re in “good health” for some interesting answers.

  6. I’m just now beginning to recover from the side effects of statins (Lipitor) that my cardiologist put me on. My legs from my waste to my ankles got so sore and stiff I couldn’t hardly walk. If you really want to lower your cholesterol levels just go on a low carb diet and get some exercise if you can.

  7. Their (Big Pharma) whole purpose is to get everyone E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E, on something. Anything.

    As long as you have a Plan with a balance in it.

    And thats why Health Insurance is a SCAM


    And all that want is YOUR recurring monthly FEES and NETWORKED ACCOUNT NUMBER.

    PICK from Column A, B or C.

    And Call before your GOV imposed mandated deadline is up.
    Some even offer GROCERY MONEY (haha) in their senior plans.

    Thanks Mitt Romney, you built this.

  8. Listen to contrarian Dr. Joel Wallach, he’s been warning about the cholesterol lie for at least 10 years. Listen to Pharmacist Ben Feuchs as well. Gave up on doctors after Covid. Stopped taking everything. Stopped all routine visits. Had CBC in ER a few days ago. EVERYTHING was normal with no meds the last 4 years.

  9. I would guess-ti-mate that Big Pharma is 60 plus percent of ALL advertising on msNBC, CNN, FOX.

    Their running Botoxin campaigns for 20 somethings.
    Also noted that it would seem everybody has aids or is recovering from it and need to mask it from partners.
    And don’t forget the GOLOZEMPICS.
    It might kill you but if you survive they will have another daily weekly monthly regime for you. Developed just for you and avaiable in easy montly subscription plans. Just provide THEM with one, little, bitty, small thing.

  10. I have been a prediabetic for 20 years. Dr.s would only say, “What your sugar”. Nothing more.

    Grew up hearing the “cholesterol = bad”, etc. My healthcare system regularly sends me newsletters reminding me to avoid cholesterol/saturated fat.

    Past year my A1c started go up, so I got a glucose meter and saw what raised my blood sugar too much. Thought Keto was a diet fad, but that is mostly where I am now.

    Recently had blood work and lipid panel improved, especially HDL and triglycerides. Total Cholesterol went up due to HDL going up 24 points. Dr said everything is normal.

    There is definitely mixed messages in the healthcare system.

  11. Mat_24:45  Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
    Mat_25:35  For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
    Rev 9:21  Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
    The word sorceries is the Greak word for pharmakeia,
    From G5332; medication (“pharmacy”), that is, (by extension) magic (literal or figurative): – sorcery, witchcraft.

  12. @ mmm Friday, 2 August 2024, 18:18 at 6:18 pm,
    Aren’t all of us NON-diabetics “PRE-diabetics” ….. fvck these axeholes.

  13. @cracker,
    I think the pre-diabetic range is referred as “elevated blood sugar” before becoming a type 2 diabetic.

    I view it as a warning, but I think the information from doctors on what to do about it is lacking or confusing.

  14. Remember, these people are opposite to anything good. If it’s good for you they will say it’s bad for you. If it’s a cure, they will call it worthless. If it’s bad or unhealthy or dangerous they will encourage it’s use. They lie constantly about everything and have no souls or conscience.

  15. Claudia, Alex Jones had that Christian Pastor on his show—the one who prophesied that PDT would get shot in the ear—and this guy says that the bioweaponists are working on a virus which will target people on diabetes and heart medications, and it will be a real killer, unlike covid. Given what they have done to peoples’ hearts and circulatory systems with the jab, it’s not a stretch to imagine them engineering a virus to catalyze with certain pharma compounds.

    The prophesier said this evil could be stopped, but the technological meshing of virus and pharmacological products is likely to be irresistible to the psychopath/sociopath elites bent on wiping out as many “useless” people as possible. I hope to live out my life taking nothing more than an occasional Tums or Aspirin. Hard pass on hard pharma.

    And this doctor’s observation about the fluctuating acceptable Cholesterol levels has got me wondering what she thinks about acceptable blood pressure levels, and the meds being used to “treat” blood pressure.

  16. I was always on the borderline (208-238) of, “maybe we should think about cholesterol lowering meds” with my dr. I made the choice to row instead. I do on average 20-25K a week. It dropped my cholesterol almost 40 points.

    Sometime I’ll eat the wrong things but I’m pretty dedicated to overindulging in burgers and fries. It’s funny tho, my friends in Ohio happily take their Lipitor, yet continue to eat like crap. It’s like a rite of passage after age 50.

    Not liberal=no jabby/eat right and exercise

  17. F.Big.Pharma

    And every Licensed Certified doctors that live off the blood and feed off the pockets off their victims.

    I saw it in action when I found out all the RX’s for my Mother. I started to get suspicious when the only HEARTBURN medicine he would prescribe her was the $400 Name Brand that she had no clue about because it was covered on her expensive plan. ROLAIDS are $4

    F Big Pharma (your doc too) and F Mitt Romney makes three.

  18. What a coincidence. Acceptable cholesterol levels were altered//lowered at the introduction of the first cholesterol drugs. Many more were then put on the medicine. Every time some new and expensive process and medicine was introduced acceptable levels were lowered.

    I just fired a doctor for suggesting I use a $1,000+ a month medicine when I get my current meds which work for under $5 a month.
    Earlier I fired another. I went for a scheduled appointment only to have the appointment seriously delayed. It seems the pharmaceutical rep took the entire staff out for an expensive lunch.


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