Freddie Gray officers suing prosecutor Marilyn Mosby – IOTW Report

Freddie Gray officers suing prosecutor Marilyn Mosby

Mosby is going from prosecutor to defendant in the Freddie Gray case.


CNN legal analyst Paul Callan said it is very difficult to sue prosecutors, who have what is called absolute immunity. Mosby’s attorneys will argue she was acting within the scope of her job and is protected by such immunity.
In most cases against prosecutors, the defense files a motion to dismiss and the judges agree, Callan said.
“Even lawyers are sometimes shocked at how difficult it is to hold prosecutors responsible for patently improper actions,” he said about prior cases.
But in some cases, the plaintiffs will argue that the prosecutor stepped out of his or her role and acted as law enforcement, who have qualified immunity.
Callan said he thinks the plaintiffs will argue that Mosby, an elected official, did become an investigator because of her belief that police were not properly pursuing the case and her desire to appease her political constituency.

25 Comments on Freddie Gray officers suing prosecutor Marilyn Mosby

  1. Here’s to hope that she is drummed out of office, is forced to work the late shift at some 7-11 that will ultimately be robbed on her shift by a mob of angry BLM types during the next riot.
    Film at 11.

  2. Just ask Mike Nifong of the 2006 Duke LaCrosse “rape” case, how difficult it is to be prosecuted for douchebaggery.

    I hope she gets taken to the cleaners, is disbarred, and has to serve time.

    Let the Baltimore riots begin!!

  3. The thought of this stupid woman having consternation about this is good enough for me. Sometimes people need to “suffer” for their actions, despite what the left thinks when it’s one of their own.

  4. Punch back twice as hard. Make it known that for every affirmative action, there is a double and opposite reaction, and these grandstanding mediocrities will skulk off into the shadows.

  5. Saw her press Conference…She’s too stupid to recite from memory…she read from Her written speech verbatim….

    If we all work together, and send in $$$ to My new Charity “Teleprompters for Twats” ( twat is non gender) We’ll insure that Vapid Affirmative Action idiots will get a fair shot at Public Speech ( or speach as seen on the internet)

  6. Why don’t they just start a recall campaign. Seems like they’ll get more people behind that. The prosecutor did over step her boundaries, I wish them well in the suit.

  7. “fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son” animal house…i’d rephrase that here – stupid, ignorant and racist is no way to go through life ms. mosby. enjoy the lawsuit.

  8. Yes, it is hard to sue a prosecutor. But this is not an ordinary case. Mosby’s reckless overcharging, partisan direction, and matrimonial involvement make her a target for the rare successful prosecutorial prosecution.

    “Coquites in oleo, quod vis?” That’s how you say, “Want fries with that?” in Latin. Bet they didn’t teach her that in law school.

  9. there’s nothing worse than a female Affirmative Action appointee … they’re practically all the same … smug, arrogant, self-righteous, indignant, condescending, angry, abusive, less-than-intelligent, English-language mangling, tactless, totally crooked, lacking in style, substance or character, highly passive-aggressive, without morals or any form of empathy or Christian charity, constantly whining about the unfairness that she’s had to deal with all her life, while piling her plate (& her ‘take-home’ box), wiping her face on the table cloth, grabbing the last piece of chicken & depositing the silverware in her ample purse, trotting off to her next ‘meeting’ of delay, dissemblance & destruction, all the while complaining about the injustices heaped upon her.
    they are a plague upon our society & our nation … no matter what ‘race’, ‘nationality’, ‘religion’, ‘gender’ you identify yourself with, it doesn’t matter …. they’re like cockroaches, they hate us all & given the chance, will dine on our carcasses
    (betcha couldn’t tell that I loathe these creatures, huh?)
    p.s. sorry for all the commas

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