Gaslighting Media Wants You To Believe The Border Will Remain Porous – IOTW Report

Gaslighting Media Wants You To Believe The Border Will Remain Porous

People imagining a 40 foot high 2000 mile concrete structure at the border will be disappointed, but that is not what the DHS requested. They gave their input about what the most effective wall would be, and it’s been budgeted and it’s begun.

The DHS wants a slatted fence.

The reason is they need to see what’s on the other side so no one can lob crap over that could injure or kill our border control.

The dems are running around spiking the ball saying the wall was left off the budget. Not so.

Keep this in mind – the media WANTS the border to be porous for some reason. They get giddy when the wall is in jeopardy, and angry when it’s looking like it will be built.

Wall or not, under Trump illegal crossings are way down. Even the reluctant Chicago Tribune, fact-checking the claim, had to admit as much.

It’s one thing for the dems to run around and try and sap Trump’s momentum and energy by claiming the oppositie is happening. That is to be expected.

By why do the “straight news” reporters go along with the fiction?

And why do some right-wing hand-wringers believe them?

Trump is doing great in the face of tremendous head wind.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

15 Comments on Gaslighting Media Wants You To Believe The Border Will Remain Porous

  1. Slats will allow the pansy liberals to pass food, water, money, medication thru to directly aid the mexicans. Will they do it? No. Also eliminates the Lumber 84 American hating company from the need to build a door. Does it change their mind? No.

    Drones will be in full force burning garbage that’s stuck on it.

  2. Trump’s doing just great. Be of good cheer.

    Patriots have faced so much opposition for so long that skepticism is understandable.
    But this POTUS is delivering. And against formidable odds.

    The Wall will be built. And it will work.

    The big club that POTUS has not yet (publicly) used is that, as CinC, he can simply declare this a national security military project and proceed as a military construction project by EO.

    The Wall is happening.

  3. There’s a hunger still unsatisfied
    Our weary eyes stray to the horizon
    Though down this road we’ve been so many times
    The grass was greener
    The light was brighter
    The taste was sweeter
    The nights of wonder
    With friends surrounded
    The dawn mist glowing
    The water flowing
    The endless river
    Nov 8, 2016
    Forever and Ever


  4. I love these press conferences where the press gets their asses handed to them.

    Let alone having a member of the government actually talk to the american people like we matter, stating the obvious, and not whistling Dixie up our asses.

  5. Any ‘news’ of President Trump’s ‘failings’ must be disregarded. He is fighting the horrid bias of all MSM, even much of FOX.

    Take a deep breath and wait for the truth, which he is so great in getting past the MSM bastards. Just look how foolish Pelosi and Schumer look, now, AS USUAL. Does anything other than lies come from them?

    When it comes to President Trump, remember what your mom used to say: “Consider the source.”

  6. I LOVED IT!!! Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Mulvaney thumped the podium and he thumped those idiots calling themselves “journalists.”

    Did anyone else listen carefully to the questions? I did. They are idiots, especially Dickerson and Acosta. Idiots.

    “Well, that looks like a wall that is already built!”, said one, with a smirk of superiority.

    “That is one that has been built; it’s an example of what I’m talking about”, said Mulvaney.

    “Uh, Secretary Mulvaney, can you spell ‘wall’, please?”

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