Georgia Senate Vows To Block Delta Airlines Tax Break After They Discontinue Discount Flights For NRA Members – IOTW Report

Georgia Senate Vows To Block Delta Airlines Tax Break After They Discontinue Discount Flights For NRA Members

Conservatives with balls – This is How You Fight Back!

Delta’s decision to drop discount rates for NRA members is a tad coincidental, no? Georgia thinks so. So they looked towards any deals they were getting from the state and are willing to drop that deal as retaliation.



The Georgia Senate’s leaders vowed to block a lucrative tax break bill on Monday that would benefit Delta Air Lines after the Atlanta-based company severed ties with the National Rifle Association.

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle said he would not support tax legislation that helped the airline “unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with the NRA.” He echoed a growing number of conservatives who opposed the measure over the weekend.

It came after Delta desperately sought to find neutral ground in a gun debate that has very little, trying to soothe concerns among conservative lawmakers infuriated by the company’s decision to end discounted rates for NRA members in the wake of the mass shooting at a Florida high school.


17 Comments on Georgia Senate Vows To Block Delta Airlines Tax Break After They Discontinue Discount Flights For NRA Members

  1. Prescott is nice, but I would like to think that we have more guys on our team than what Prescott can support. Let’s just claim everything west of the continental divide and send the libs to the east coast.

  2. YES! Makes you want to sing DIXIE!

    I’m really starting to see a different picture of the ‘why’ of the Civil War. I spent most of my school years in various (military brat) Texas schools, and at that time, I seem to remember the reason, being taught during those years, was States Rights. Interesting to see a Southern state senate stand up to the leftist takeover.

  3. Is this the first time in history companies have chosen to punish people with absolutely no connection to a crime for something done by someone completely un-connected to them?

  4. the John Birch Society slogan – “Freedom is not Free!” has always been true; will always be true.

    If you want freedom you must fight! Progressives will take your freedom the second you stop fighting! It NEVER ENDS!



  5. @an ol exJarhead February 27, 2018 at 9:02 am

    > Progressives will take your freedom the second you stop fighting! It NEVER ENDS!

    According to Good™ people, Conservative™ people, people whose opinions Matter™… It ends when they stop bulldozing you. Wherever that blade happens to be. Whatever damage they’ve already done. Now, go buy them a few cans of fuel, and make them a sammich. And knit them a blanket. They need a nap. And we all need to get along. Tomorrow’s another day.

    (Maybe? just maybe. It never ends because those the communalists call enemy always give them another tomorrow.)

  6. Because service is so poor and most employees seem to dislike each other more than they dislike customers, United Airlines has been avoided last couple years. Going against the NRA is not going to help. They have no business getting into politics. Hope they pay a huge price for their poor judgement. Pissing off 50% of their base is a good idea because?

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