Grassley Suggests No Last-Minute Hearing Without Accuser Testimony – IOTW Report

Grassley Suggests No Last-Minute Hearing Without Accuser Testimony

CTH: Senator Chuck Grassley scheduled a hearing for Monday September 24th, to hear testimony from Christine Blasey Ford who has made sketchy accusations against SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36-years-ago in high school.

Today Chairman Grassley suggested if Ms. Blasey-Ford does not agree to give testimony he will cancel the hearing:

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Tuesday raised the possibility that next week’s high-stakes open hearing to examine the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh could be canceled if the accuser doesn’t accept the committee’s invitation.

Grassley, R-Iowa, scheduled a hearing for Monday for Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford to answer questions from senators about the allegation. But Grassley said during a Tuesday radio interview that his office has reached out several times to Ford and her attorneys to discuss her allegation, but has heard nothing back.

“We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours three or four times by email and we have not heard from them, and it kind of raises the question, do they want to come to the public hearing or not?” Grassley said on The Hugh Hewitt Show. (read more)

According to media reporting Ms. Blasey-Ford is unable to give any specifics as to her accusations. The accuser doesn’t know where the event took place; she doesn’t remember anyone else involved; she cannot give a time, date, season or specific year for the event; and she never told anyone else at the time the alleged assault.  more here

19 Comments on Grassley Suggests No Last-Minute Hearing Without Accuser Testimony

  1. It would be great optics to have the hearing with an empty chair and her name placard there but I wouldn’t want Judge Kavanaugh to go through any more assaults from the demonrats.

  2. Almost good! Good would have been to admit she was just another “Duke Lacross faker” and vote!
    Michell told us all it was nothing but liberal/progressive lies 12 years ago. As she almost always is; she was 100 right! her was nor rape! The liar was not punished and this liar will not spend time in the “Grey Bar Hotel”! As I think both should!

  3. “Grassley SUGGESTS No Last-Minute Hearing Without Accuser Testimony”
    Why “suggests”? He’s the friggin’ Chairman! He should never have postponed the vote on Thursday, the least he can do now is to state, unambiguously that if she doesn’t show up on Monday, they vote of the committee will take place immediately.

  4. If McConnell and the RINOs agree to a closed door hearing, I’ll be even more pissed off than I am now. This is Anita Hill, Duke Lacrosse, Nifong, Bork bullshit. Libs are rotten to the core. It’s time to wipe them out. Don’t give a fucking inch any more, never, never again. No more Mr. Nice Guy, “Read my lips, no new taxes.” then the nice guy (Bush Sr.) caved. And the libs shit all over him.
    It’s war folks and we need Republicans with balls. If it wasn’t for Rush, Sean, the two Marks, Howie Carr and a few others we wouldn’t know shit from Shinola, whats going on in this great country. Imagine if we were still depending on Cronkite, Rather, Williams, Ross, Matthews, Maddow, etc. for the news? FFS!
    Project Veritas, Judicial Watch,Media Research, Intellectual Frogs, Iotw report, CTH, Dianny, and so many other patriots need our support. But the media elite and Hollywood seem to have the upper hand. “If I was a rich man, Da, da da,da, da, da, da, da a dom.”
    Did I miss a da,da?
    But alas, I’m not a rich man.

  5. Why did he give her until Monday, why not Wednesday? She has a lawyer, she’s familiar with her “facts” and she shouldn’t be afraid of testimony under oath at any time. If she’s found to be untruthful then the vote can go ahead on Thursday and Dems can explain why they voted against him when the “strongest” bit of evidence against his suitability was a lie.

  6. They never expected a hearing. Their plan was to goad a frustrated, easily enraged Trump to bigfoot in and demand a vote with no special hearing, thereby casting himself as the villain and muddying the waters, likely resulting in Kavanaugh withdrawing his nomination, which is their actual goal.

    Fortunately, Trump is not an ideologue like them, and he has no fear of listening to both sides of a dispute. If the left had not gone into paroxysms of rage when Trump said of Charlottesville, “There are good people on both sides”, they wouldn’t have misunderstood Trump so badly. Now the Dems, like Mueller, are scrambling to deal with their bluff being called.

    Trump’s main job right now is to back Kavanaugh to the hilt and make sure K doesn’t decide the bullshit is not worth the trouble.

  7. Grassley needs to remember and apply Parkinson’s law and limit the time till the confirmation vote or it will extend for weeks or months.

    “Parkinson’s law is the adage that “work expands so as to fill the time (allowed / made) available for its completion”.

  8. They want to delay until election because they are hoping to take over Senate as well and then it will be Merrit Garland

    I’m so sick of these rino republicans that will not stand up and fight for the president the people elected They would rather give in and stay in office even under a democratic leader

  9. @Anonymous September 18, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    > They would rather give in and stay in office even under a democratic leader

    They act like they’ll get paid the same, get the same seniority, the same retirement package, the same “jobs” handed to their domestic partners, children, and pieces on the side, no matter who’s elected! Oh. Wait. Never mind.


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