Greenpeace Gives Up On Recycling Plastic – IOTW Report

Greenpeace Gives Up On Recycling Plastic


By Thomas Lifson

Recycling almost everything is an uneconomic scam[i], but that hasn’t stopped many localities from enforcing recycling mandates, and employing lots of people to sort through garbage and spend large sums on trying to find another use for the materials. At great expense to taxpayers.

But finally, Greenpeace has realized that recycling plastic makes no sense. In City Journal, John Tierney writes:

Greenpeace has seen the light, or at least a glimmer of rationality. The group has issued a report accompanied by a press release headlined, “Plastic Recycling Is A Dead-End Street—Year After Year, Plastic Recycling Declines Even as Plastic Waste Increases.” The group’s overall policy remains delusional—the report proposes a far more harmful alternative to recycling—but it’s nonetheless encouraging to see environmentalists put aside their obsessions long enough to contemplate reality.

The Greenpeace report offers a wealth of statistics and an admirably succinct diagnosis: “Mechanical and chemical recycling of plastic waste has largely failed and will always fail because plastic waste is: (1) extremely difficult to collect, (2) virtually impossible to sort for recycling, (3) environmentally harmful to reprocess, (4) often made of and contaminated by toxic materials, and (5) not economical to recycle.” Greenpeace could have added a sixth reason: forcing people to sort and rinse their plastic garbage is a waste of everyone’s time. But then, making life more pleasant for humans has never been high on the green agenda.


16 Comments on Greenpeace Gives Up On Recycling Plastic

  1. Another greenie dream shown to be just that, but they can’t admit that it’s a waste of time and resources. My city Council just forced recycling effective this year, I wonder if this will get them to back the heck off? Nah, never happen.

  2. The plastic bag ban is the most worthless concept of all!
    If you ever thought about it, all the styrofoam, plastic wrap and containers that food is packaged in FAR outweighs that flimsy plastic bag to carry it home with… but let’s ban the bag!
    Aaaaaannnd if you think about some more, most of those plastic bags get used twice or more, whereas food wrap and containers do not!
    Just more “science” that’s been bastardized to fit the Leftist agenda!

    When they ask me if I want my milk in a plastic bag, I aways tell them: “No thanks. It’s just fine in this plastic bottle”

  3. Prior to ~1985 a black man who was a retired combat veteran with near 40 total years of service 100% combat related disability retirement used to swing by my home in Lakewood WA. He had an old 2-1/2 ton farm truck that he picked up cardboard and other items that he sold at the recycling center. Not that he had to, but it provided him with a good supplemental income on top of his military retirement check. Along comes the worst element in any society, the doo gooder See You Next Tuesdays out to give their life meaning. By the time they were done it was illegal for this man, who I had a ten year relationship with, to collect my recycling. Oh, it’s free, actually it will more than pay for itself, was their promise. Well, five years later I made public document requests and the recycling program was in the red to the tune of about a half million dollars.

    Every fucking thing the prog movement promises is a lie. Everything.

  4. Red Skelton had a skit where he posed as a scientist who invented the cement tire. All through the skit is touts the benefits over the current rubber tire. At the end he laments he can’t sell any because he hadn’t invented the rubber road yet…

  5. JD – And it kept him busy, active and healthy instead of wasting away in a Barkolounger!

    … while Progessives, on the other hand, pick their nose in front of a computer – and they’re not even retired!

  6. Plastic is made from oil and fuel can be made from plastic.
    It Has Been Perfected.
    It has ash as a byproduct, that’s it.
    High grade fuel oil, that oil can also power the process.
    I think the problem is not everyone wants the market to have cheap fuel oil, unless the elite own it, as in governor’s, world leaders, UN, the Vatican, they all want a piece of the pie.
    Actually they want the whole pie.
    I could care less if nobody believes me, I ain’t selling nothing.
    Just saying what I know to be true.
    These processors already exist.

  7. “Mechanical and chemical recycling of plastic waste has largely failed and will always fail because plastic waste is: (1) extremely difficult to collect, (2) virtually impossible to sort for recycling, (3) environmentally harmful to reprocess, (4) often made of and contaminated by toxic materials, and (5) not economical to recycle.”

    so is …
    solar panels
    wind turbine bird-shredder blades
    electric vehicle batteries

  8. Hold on a second.
    Extremely difficult to collect? They’ve been collecting it for years and sorting it. So that’s BS for sure.
    Then it’s taken to the desert then buried and that’s a huge problem in itself.
    Environmentally harmful to reprocess? Maybe in China? But how so?
    Toxic materials? Well yeah, you wouldn’t want to drink plastic or oil.
    Not economical to recycle?
    Let the free market decide what’s economical.
    How about setting America free to solve some of the world’s problems without the leftist wackos that are trying to bury America getting involved?

  9. TRF – studies were done of what happened when the plastic grocery bag bans went into effect, and it showed that sales of plastic trash can liners skyrocketed. So they’re really not removing plastic from the enviroment, just changing what kind of plastic we use to throw our trash out. The single use plastic bags were shown to be the most environmentally friendly when all factors are taken into account.

  10. We can no longer recycle glass. Garbage company is doing all they can to encourage homeowners to throw their glass in the garbage. Gonna take awhile to get used to that idea.

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