Happy Anniversary, Bill Clinton, You Friggin’ Liar – IOTW Report

Happy Anniversary, Bill Clinton, You Friggin’ Liar

It was 18 years ago today. (And, yes, that is Hillary clapping at the end, knowing that her husband was lying to the American public.)

And then, nearly 8 months later —>

20 Comments on Happy Anniversary, Bill Clinton, You Friggin’ Liar

  1. A lot of people remember exactly where they were when they heard of Kennedy’s assassination. I remember exactly where I was when the incontrovertible evidence against clinton was discussed on my car’s radio. Wow. The guy is a sexual deviant and people still like him. Hard to figure. How do these guys keep chugging along with all this stuff?!

  2. I remember it like yesterday. Better than yesterday! I remember my boss saying that it was just about sex because he said that he didn’t ask anyone to lie, to hide or destroy evidence or to take any other unlawful action. I said, “And you still believe this dirtbag? You need professional help!” Our friendly, bantering relationship was never the same. He knew that I had lost all respect for him and, of course, he considered me an evil component of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

  3. Yes indeed, the liberal’s favorite tactic was to try and make it all about sex (everybody does it) when the fact of the matter was that it was all about perjury and the Subornation of Perjury, which is exactly what got him impeached and disbarred by the US supreme court. Lest we forget, this Pants-Dropper-And-Thief is little more than a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, womanizing, masturbating, finger wagging liar, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, power hungry, money grubbing thief and influence peddling sleaze-bag who who is a bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll and dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling our nation’s secrets and indeed the Presidency of the United States of America.
    Along with his criminal business partner known as a “wife” they managed to turn the Whitehouse into a Motel 6 brothel while cultivating a long laundry list of scams, con-games, and outright fraud costing the taxpaying public millions by using political position and power for their own lavish personal gain while leaving countless victims of their dishonesty in their wake, many of whom were imprisoned, indicted, or somehow wound up dead!

  4. Whenever someone would say, “Yeah, but he was only lying about sex, that’s all!”
    I’d reply, “Lying about sex. That’s what rapists do. That’s what pedophiles do. That’s what every sexual predator does, he lies about sex.”

    And if someone wanted to say, “It was a vast right wing conspiracy” I’d scratch my head and go, “How did that conspiracy get Bill Clinton to spray his DNA on Monica Lewinski’s dress?”

  5. He never had sex with that other broad either–his wife.

    I didn’t recall the exact date, but I remember the whole thing blew up sometime aound my birthday (January 20).

  6. FDR in Hell. Lucifer doesn’t want Bubba down there because he will try to corrupt the host’s three favorite beauties, Margaret Mead, Helen Thomas, and Elanor, yes, the wife. Sorry.
    He will try to pull that cigar aficionado schlick on them.

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