Hermit Kingdom Hitting Up Its Spies for Money – IOTW Report

Hermit Kingdom Hitting Up Its Spies for Money

It seems North Korea wants to throw a big bash to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Worker’s Party, but is a little short on cash.


So the regime is requiring it’s “diplomats” abroad to remit $1 million a piece back to the home country.

They also want every Nork household to kick in 2 months salary (about $6.00) towards the big event on October 10th.


A number of their diplomats are trying to quit and go back home rather than try to meet the quota imposed by the regime.

I wonder what creative means Kim will come up with to execute them all?

9 Comments on Hermit Kingdom Hitting Up Its Spies for Money

  1. I guess Dear Leader has a boxcar load of mortar shells and enough family hostages of his diplomats to ensure compliance with his ‘request’ for participation.
    His other problem will be that the diplomats who reach their fundraising goal will probably be given a one mortar shell on the noggin salute as they’ll have to sell state secrets to get the money–NoKo has nothing of value to exchange in commerce.
    It’s no bed of roses being a diplomat in that regime.

  2. I foresee either a lot of banks getting knocked off in the very near future, or the NORKs are shipping heroin to their embassies in diplomatic pouches, and are ready to flood the market.

    They must be having a hard time counterfeiting US currency, since it changes every year.

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