Hillary’s Social Media PAC Headed By David Brock – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Social Media PAC Headed By David Brock

The Daily Beast reports that there is a Hillary Clinton PAC with $5 million dedicated to fighting her opposition on the social media front.



Headed by Media Matters founder David Brock, Correct the Record has allocated $1 million already to do battle on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit with a number of professional leftist hacks and Hillary “super fans.”


The PAC has been fighting the Bernie Bros’ and has reportedly targeted 5,000 individuals who have been critical of the candidate.



 They are trying to dominate social media and make sure a positive message about the candidate is the primary one seen in the digital networks.

The technology changes, the tactics do not.


2 Comments on Hillary’s Social Media PAC Headed By David Brock

  1. This cyber pollution began in the Obama era.
    We got it during the McCain and Romney campaigns.

    NOW we’re getting the same from the Cruz campaign against Trump…BEFORE it starts with sHrillary.


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