Hiring Woke Editors and Authors Biting Publishers Right in the Cash – IOTW Report

Hiring Woke Editors and Authors Biting Publishers Right in the Cash

It makes no sense to cater to a demographic that doesn’t read. And blacks who do read are either academics (who get their books for free) or conservatives (who DGAS about being woke.) And black activists DGAS about any books that talk about “the struggle.” They are too busy shaking down entities to sit around and read.

White liberals are so stupid.


Crime novelist James Patterson drew criticism after he likened the situation to ‘just another form of racism.’ He later apologized but a similar point was made by Joyce Carol Oates.

‘A friend who is a literary agent told me that he cannot even get editors to read first novels by young white male writers, no matter how good; they are just not interested,’ she said.

It is also something editors themselves have acknowledged.

‘We flat-out decided we weren’t going to look at certain white male authors, because we didn’t want to be seen as acquiring that stuff,’ one senior editor told The Free Press.

When asked whether editors acknowledged they were ‘discriminating against writers because of their skin color’, the editor replied: ‘I don’t think it was worded quite as blatantly as that. It was worded more like, “Is this the right time to be championing authors of more traditional backgrounds?” Often, the language was a bit opaque.’

Former television host Jemele Hill spent months promoting her memoir ‘Uphill’ across various networks.

But despite a media blitz, the book sold just 5,034 copies in a few months, and failed to crack the top 200 on Apple Books, USA Today or the New York Times, despite glowing reviews by the outlet.

Former HarperCollins and St Martin’s Press editor chalked the flops up to ‘generational change’.

‘It just so happens that, in this case, the new generation is a generation of ideological fanatics,’ Bellow told The Free Press.


5 Comments on Hiring Woke Editors and Authors Biting Publishers Right in the Cash

  1. This has been going on for years in sci fi and fantasy genres. If you think this is about money, you are looking at it wrong. It is about squeezing out white (especially male) authors so the publishers can escape the wrath of the woke mob. My wife published more than a dozen books before being told (off the record) that she is too white so they won’t buy any more from her. Now what is out there is often badly written and badly edited, but at least the author is a queer black lesbian trans.

  2. Book publishing is brutal. But it’s the huge advances to unproven authors that is stupid. Try them out, see how they do, then if merited give an advance on the next book. But not if they are unproven, that’s a guarantee of failure.

  3. I wrote a novel and sent inquiries to close to 40 agents. Not one was interested. Interestingly enough, a lot of the agents (or their companies) were all in on LGBTQ-related stories. I was tempted to change my two main protagonists (one male and one female) to two females or two males (at least in the synopsis) to see if that made a difference.

  4. ‘It just so happens that, in this case, the new generation is a generation of ideological fanatics,’ Bellow told The Free Press.

    The new generation is a generation of semi-illiterates (at best) who are incapable of reading anything lacking emojis and occupying more than one half of a hand-held screen.

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