How do you stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? – IOTW Report

How do you stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers?


19 Comments on How do you stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers?

  1. …actually, the answer to “how do you keep drunk drivers from killing sober drivers” from the Democrats, at least when an illegal alien is involved, is “it never happened and you’re a rayyciss”…

  2. …the truth is, that the Government LIKES guns, they just don’t like YOUR guns. A better parallel, then, would be “want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Make it illegal for anyone outside Government to have cars.” While, of course, ignoring if Black thugs do drive-bys in cars illegally because it would be rayyciss to stop them, and also ignore illegal aliens driving cars for the same reason, all the while while pretending that Government is always sober and would NEVER drive drunk while the media hides any stories about people dying from Government drunk drivers…

    …but that doesn’t fit in a speech balloon meme as well.

  3. Stupid rethugltard fashists, all you need to do is outlaw all the guns with the thing that sticks up, or down, or out, whatever, and no one else will die, IDOITS

  4. Call all your elected Demoncrats and demand they immediately drop all their crazy green deal initiatives, all their plans to investigate President Trump, all their gun control plans, and instead demand they make it immediately mandatory that ALL vehicles (both on the road and new) be fitted with a breath analyzer that prevents a vehicle being started if you are over the legal limit for alcohol.

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