If I Was Donald Trump – IOTW Report

If I Was Donald Trump

The third and final debate is the debate that everyone remembers, and if I was Donald Trump I’d make sure it would be the only debate anyone ever remembers.

Final Debate –

(Insert random democrat operative) – Mr. Trump, how will you go about reining in the out of control spending that the republicans have allowed since controlling the hill?

Trump – I must say, I admire how you’ve framed that question. You’re good. You’re bad for the people, but you’re good for whoever you take your orders from, so kudos. They’re spending their money wisely.

Speaking of spending cuts, I’d like to spend my 2 minutes by introducing America to this group of Haitians that say the money that was collected by the Clinton Global Initiative, under the guise of earthquake relief, never was spent in Haiti, but was in fact spent by the Clintons for their own personal gain.

Stand up, let Amer-

Democrat Operative– Mr. Trump, you can’t do that, you’re not being responsive to my question.

Trump – I can spend my time any way I see fit. No matter what I say about spending cuts you’ll trot out paid surrogates to say my plan will cost America jobs and that I don’t know what I’m talking about. So, we’ll talk about this instead.

Let these people talk about their pain and suffering and tomorrow WAPO can give these Haitians four pinocchios. You can try and give them a “pants on fire,” but because of the Clintons, they don’t have any pants. The Clintons have the pants, and the pant suits. Fine pant suits. The Clintons went from dead broke to being multi-millionaires. How? What did they produce and sell?

Everyone at home is sitting with their devices. Everyone, everyone listening, go to Youtube and type in Clinton Cash. Watch the documentary. (Garbled crosstalk with the moderator, Hillary and Trump) I doubt you will still be voting for Hillary after watching this.

Democrat Operative – Mr. Trump, you’re making a mockery of this debate process.

Trump – Oh, the debate process that feeds Hillary the questions days before they are going to be asked so that she can prepare and not get caught flat-footed? That process?

Ask the Sanders people how they feel about that process. Where’s Donna Brazile (looks around audience)? Stand up and take a bow, you deserve it. You’ll have a great position in the politburo.

— I’d continue like this until they turned up the house lights and shut my mic off.

Then I’d yell. “Howard Beale was right!!! Only, I’m not going to kill myself. You’ll all be killing yourselves by voting for this corrupt monster who belongs in jail!!!”

If Trump was anything like me, he definitely wouldn’t have the temperament to be the president. In order to be the president you have to have a disingenuous temperament. You have to obfuscate, lie and sell your soul, all with a packaged smile on your face.



24 Comments on If I Was Donald Trump

  1. “In order to be the president you have to have a disingenuous temperament. You have to obfuscate, lie and sell your soul, all with a packaged smile on your face.”

    Among the evil, yes.
    Otherwise, I’d say “you have to be able to SELL.”
    (as in: Always Be Closing)

  2. PERFECT! I agree with people who say Mr. Trump should talk to the people and not the moderators. Call them out for who they are, and take this opportunity to let people know who the clinton’s really are and what they and obama have done to this country. Including taking 25 million from SA and millions from Qutar for their Clinton “Foundation,” while these same people are financing the terrorists murdering people around the globe – and also letting in foreign invaders she’s been paid to take – so that they can take down our country and commit genocide.

  3. Whenever asked about “grab the pussy,” Trump should say “I was a Democrat then. But as a Republican, I will never let you down, nor will I engage in any behaviour that is unbecoming to the office of POTUS.”

  4. @aleon: what exactly am I “trying”? Believe whatever sources you like. I go to a great many sites to look for information; and then make up my own mind. You look as narrowly as you wish.

  5. He is not pulling out of VA. He should also NEVER agree with Hillary or ever compliment the Crunt again. She has NEVER complimented him or agreed with him. I am sick of how people are saying Hillary’s health is fine… even Trump admits she has great stamina.

  6. At the last debate I would introduce Bill Clinton”s illegitimate ethnic son and grandkids to Hillary. Have them come up on stage and meet their half/step mother/grandmother. What is she going to do, call them all liars?

    She’s the one who claims to be for families.
    These are Bill’s prodigies.

  7. @WiscoDave —

    “RICHMOND, Va. — Hours after national news outlets reported Donald Trump was pulling his campaign team out of Virginia, a spokesman for the Trump campaign issued a statement on Trump’s Virginia campaign plan.

    “We remain absolutely committed to winning in Virginia. While we’re reallocating some of our staff strategically to accommodate early voting in nearby priority states such as North Carolina, our campaign leadership and staffing remains strong in Virginia,” John Ullyot, Deputy Political Director for Communications for Donald J. Trump for President, said. “Together with the RNC and the state Party, we will have all the resources we need to re-take the Commonwealth at the Presidential level in November, as historically early voting in Virginia is much less of a focus for both parties than in some other states such as North Carolina.”

    John Whitbeck, the chairman for the Republican Party of Virginia, said the first media reports come from unnamed sources and a former state co-chair fired by the Trump campaign.

    “Republican Party of Virginia and Republican National Committee teams have been on the ground in the Commonwealth for two years preparing for this election,” Whitbeck reiterated. “Our commitment to winning Virginia for all of our Republican candidates remains unchanged.””


    (It’s a CBS affiliate, so I’d still take caution about any polling statement.)

  8. If I were DT, the next time Hillary or some yahoo pitched some accusation at me disguised as a “question”, I’d pause a few seconds, and say “So what? ” Maybe even “So f-ing what?” And after letting them suck air for a few minutes, do as suggested above — “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

    Guaranteed standing o in 75% of the living rooms in America.

    We are sick to death of the gotcha press and double standards and harping on trivialities while the barbarians are crashing the gate and Rome is burning.

  9. I would pound on her relentlessly (and not in the good way). Bring in the families of the Bengahzi four and sit them front and center so she has to look them in the eye. Bring In the rest of Bill ‘s victims right behind them. Bring in the families of the victims of the “accidental suicides” right behind them. Then don’t stop asking about the lost DoS 6 billion dollars, speech fees, pay for play, 33,000 “lost e-mails”, foreign contributions etc., and ask the Americn public, “is this who you want and who you trust to run the country”?

  10. BFH, Brilliant. One small peeve. The conditional always takes the subjunctive..If I were Donald. Don’t hate me!!! I loved every word and have often thought along the same lines. Would it not be great if he went FULL SARCASM on her?

  11. This would be a Breitbart-ing. This is what Breitbart was good at. Honest to the core, expose everything, say it like it is, slaps across the face. With ease and humor.

    Unfortunately, Trump is way shy of Breitbart level fighting.

    Andrew made it look easy.

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