Indictments Are Comey…er, Coming – IOTW Report

Indictments Are Comey…er, Coming

American Thinker- Since Barack Obama weaponized the FBI, the IRS, the NSA, the FISA court, and the CIA, citizens who believe that America is a nation of laws have been on a collision course with progressives.  Core constitutional tenets including checks and balances, equality under the law, innocent until proven guilty, and no man is above the law have been replaced with identity politics, victim culture, and weakened First and Second Amendments.

Apocryphally, Bismarck said: “God looks out for idiots, drunkards, children, and the United States of America.”

Thank God for Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Congressman Devin Nunes, Congressman Trey Gowdy, and prosecutor John Huber (appointed by Sessions to investigate the DOJ and prosecute crimes uncovered by I.G. Horowitz).

Thank God for Hillary Clinton.  Had she won, or gone gracefully into the night after losing, we wouldn’t know of the left’s plan for the usurpation of the United States Constitution.

Had Comey not wanted to be the “corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening,” these shenanigans would still be secret.

The report from I.G. Horowitz is expected to drop in May.  Huber has grand jury power to subpoena and indict.  Together, they should produce a prodigious amount of indictments.

In going after Trump, the left ensnared itself.

Should be indicted, but probably won’t be:

a. Barack Obama – Mishandling of classified information (18 USC §798) and obstruction of a criminal investigation (18 USC §1510) with respect to emails sent to and received from Hillary personal server.  Obstruction of a criminal investigation (18 USC §1510).  (When I heard that Obama had made a deal with Netflix, all I could think of was, “Great: Now, in ten years, Netflix will have a nuclear weapon!”  But I digress.)  the rest is here

10 Comments on Indictments Are Comey…er, Coming

  1. I’ll believe it when I see it. Sure was easy to fuck General Flynn over based on no actual crime at all.

    It’s a given that Obama and that cunt Hillary will walk. But, the way things are in that shithole of a town, I’m wagering everyone on that list will walk, every fucking one.

  2. I believe the people that should be indicted WILL be indicted, and a grand jury will find them guilty and convicted on all counts. Then, I believe they should be lined-up against a wall and shot – PUBLICLY.

    ….for ourselves, and our posterity, do ordain this Constitution.

    Anything other than that would be uncharitable.

  3. won’t happen … The Swamp works on political power
    problem is that Trump has no political power, but has the will … because the Republicans have no political will & they’re afraid to use their power


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