Infuriating: Schiff Rewrites History and Puts Coronavirus Deaths at Trump’s Feet – IOTW Report

Infuriating: Schiff Rewrites History and Puts Coronavirus Deaths at Trump’s Feet

The dems were the ones not paying attention to anything but their maniacally obsessive quest to remove Trump, yet Adam Schiff-fer-brains is out there now claiming Trump was asleep at the wheel and is the reason for the death toll.


During an appearance on MSNBC Monday night, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff argued that Wuhan coronavirus victims are in a sense victims of the failed impeachment of President Trump, which on some days is “equivalent of the number of people we lost on 9/11.”

“We can’t act even slightly surprised by this because you told us this was going to happen in your argument in the Senate impeachment trial,” anchor Lawrence O’Donnell told the House Intelligence Committee chairman. 

“Well, we certainly told the senators that he was not going to change, and there was no way to constrain him,” Schiff replied. “That he is who he is, and he would continue to operate the way he had, and indeed, that’s exactly what we’ve seen since. The one thing we dramatically understated is when we asked the question, ‘If you found him guilty, do you really need to remove him given there is another election only nine months away, how much damage could he really do?’”

He continued, “We said a lot, but little did we know just how great the casualties would be. Some days we lose the equivalent of the number of people we lost on 9/11. You know, I think that there is no way we could have foreseen just how tragic his malfeasance would be in his remaining months in the administration.”

Republicans panned Schiff’s argument as completely “unhinged.”


10 Comments on Infuriating: Schiff Rewrites History and Puts Coronavirus Deaths at Trump’s Feet

  1. Theory
    By keeping people locked up at home, with more time exposed to media television, will help breed more democrats in November.
    Trump keeps calling it “FAKE NEWS”, but nobody is listening. The constant barrage of bullshit is taking a toll on the truth.

  2. ode to a demonrat-rep:
    .a lawyer-liar named schiff
    .got called out for being a quiff
    .he whined and turned red,
    .don’t forget what bill said,
    .it depends on the meaning of “if”

  3. Dumber than dirt “mick” O’Donnell lapped it up. That’s 2/3 of the Three Stooges. They need another one, and there is lots of candidates to choose from.

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