Judicial Watch: At Least 18 Classified Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: At Least 18 Classified Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop

State Department Releases 147 New Huma Abedin Work-Related Emails, 806 Total Emails

Judicial Watch- (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch revealed today that there are at least 18 classified emails in the 798 documents recently produced by the State Department from the FBI’s investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s elicit email system. The emails were found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who is the estranged husband of former Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Abedin was Clinton’s deputy chief of staff. Weiner is a disgraced former congressman and New York mayoral candidate who pleaded guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor. Abedin kept a non-State.gov email account on Hillary Clinton’s notorious email server that she used repeatedly for government business.

There are five new classified emails among 147 new Abedin work-related documents released by the State Department on Friday, December 29, 2017.

Thirteen emails containing classified information were also found on the Weiner laptop computer that had already been released to the public. This classified material includes discussions about Saudi Arabia, The Hague, Egypt, South Africa, Zimbabwe, the identity of a CIA official, Malawi, the war in Syria, Lebanon, Hamas, and the PLO.

On two occasions, classified material was sent by Abedin on her clintonemail.com account to Weiner’s laptop (sent to “Anthony Campaign”) on November 25, 2010. The email discusses an upcoming call with Prince Saud of “expected WikiLeaks leaks.” Abedin sent classified information the following day to Weiner’s laptop concerning a call that “Jeff” (presumably then- US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman) had with United Arab Emirates Prime Minister Abdullah bin Zayed.

The Weiner laptop also contains classified material from Abedin’s Blackberry. A July 9, 2011, email contained classified information regarding a then-upcoming call between Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. On November 25, 2011, classified information was sent regarding Feltman’s notes on the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs impression of the Hamas- Palestine Liberation Organization talks. On May 4, 2012, additional classified material from the BlackBerry backup was sent.  read more

24 Comments on Judicial Watch: At Least 18 Classified Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop

  1. How many does it take before what she has done is illegal? It’s really going to be a shame if some shlub decides to take the law into his own hands out of frustration with the lack of action from the proper authorities. That wouldn’t end well for anyone……except a tyrannical government that is waiting for an excuse to put the hammer down.

  2. Jeff Sessions can just go fuck himself. Why is it that only Congress is saying they want an investigation and not Sessions himself? I’m sure there are even Dems who want to rub this in Hillary’s face, too. Let’s get the ball rolling, bitches!

  3. Come down MJA drip drip drip everyday. The fact is that this people can think that no one can touch them. But people will be shock soon with the new revelations that will shock people.

  4. Just another news item that was supposed to have been buried with a Clinton win.


    Now, if Sessions could just be woken up to get some justice rolling that would be smashing.

  5. I thought Comey said there was nothing to see on Weiner’s laptop, and then he re-closed the Hillary investigation two days before the election. Did Judicial Watch find another Weiner laptop? Because a Stand Up Guy like Comey would never lie.

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