Just In – Bannon Mea Culpa – IOTW Report

Just In – Bannon Mea Culpa

  • My comments about the meeting with Russian nationals came from my life experiences as a Naval officer stationed aboard a destroyer whose main mission was to hunt Soviet submarines to my time at the Pentagon during the Reagan years when our focus was the defeat of ‘the evil empire’ and to making films about Reagan’s war against the Soviets and Hillary Clinton’s involvement in selling uranium to them.”
  • “My comments were aimed at Paul Manafort, a seasoned campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how the Russians operate. He should have known they are duplicitous, cunning and not our friends. To reiterate, those comments were not aimed at Don Jr.”
  • “Everything I have to say about the ridiculous nature of the Russian ‘collusion’ investigation I said on my 60 Minutes interview. There was no collusion and the investigation is a witch hunt.”

More apologies at AXIOS

26 Comments on Just In – Bannon Mea Culpa

  1. Sebastian Gorka was on Fox saying he is friends with both Trump and Bannon. He said Wolff asked to interview him and he said no. Gorka said Wolff is a sleaze. He said basically it would all work itself out.
    Bannon should have commented as soon as he heard what was in the book. I wonder where he was.

  2. Bannon has already denied both the Wolff “quotes” and the book itself, and Breitbart has fully covered Wolff s sleazy Leftist motives and record of fabricating smears and lies.

    I remember seeing those items days ago. Attacking Bannon is just playing the Left’s game.

    There’s a theory that this public slapfight–which is not helpful to MAGA or draining the Swamp– is just to establish deniability for PDT as Bannon and Breitbart begin to aggressively Primary incumbent RINOs and NeverTrumpers. This lets Bannon be Bad Cop while PDT remains Good Cop– and puts PDT above the fray.

    We’ll see.

  3. Noted but the dynamic of all of this still doesn’t add up.

    1) Why was Wolff ever allowed in the first place? He had a decades long reputation for being a leftist puke at Vanity Fair, the Guardian, the Atlantic, and GQ.

    2) I’ll second Rufus above. Does anyone think that if Moore won that this would be an issue? 20,000 votes separated Jones and Moore at the end and that was with the full weight of the media, Hollywood, the Republican establishment and a lukewarm endorsement from Trump at the end. To me, Bannon is being given the high profile slamming as tribute to the Republican Establishment. Mitch McConnell is loving this.

    3) Both POTUS and Son came out with highly personal attacks on Bannon and all he has responded with his hands down by his waist and only saying “you’re both great Americans and I support you to my dying day”. Keep pissing my mouth.

    4) All Bannon has to do is show up on the Colbert Report or a sit down interview with Jake Tapper and say “Let me tell you what really happened. Trump’s a retard. He’s a dangerous lunatic. I made a mistake and didn’t realize it until it was too late”. And he would be celebrated the world over. Everyone has to know that.

    If Bannon turned on Trump and validated every lunatic theory the left asked then all would be forgiven. Immunity deal with Mueller.

    Bannon was already hated by the Establishment so his reputation can’t be ruined any more than it is with them but he could cause a lot of trouble with Trump if he was so inclined.

  4. This whole thing reeks of middle school personality politics and innuendo.

    OBTW, I watched about 20 minutes of some sure ’nuff morons on a network channel this morning discussing Trump’s mental fitness.

    I think I need stitches from the belly laughing. TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has progressed from chronic to acute stage.

  5. I listened to Corey Lewandowski on with “Are you a Flake?”
    Wallace today. Corey denied ever speaking to Wolff about the Trumps. Yet Wolff has him calling them fools, idiots etc. Wolff, to me, is a sleazebag liar. What I can’t understand is PDT trying to stop it. That move just gave it more publicity and a guaranteed best seller.
    But who am I? Just a simple deplorable trying to make sense out of nonsense.
    I just watched Victor Davis Hanson “Explain the complete corruption of the Obama Administration,” on YT
    Hanson is one of the brightest lights in journalism today. I love to listen to him.

  6. In this war between Bannon and Trump I think Bannon screwed up.

    I can at least understand Trump’s behavior in this, Bannon’s is a mystery.

    According to a book, my former right-hand man said my hardworking, great son is a traitor to the nation.
    I wait for some sort of statement from the former right-hand man.
    I defend my son.

    I can understand that.

    On the other hand, Bannon sits down with this asshole writer and speaks with him!!!??
    At the very least you know your words can be twisted.
    You wait for the book to see if you’re misquoted.
    You don’t have to wait, your quotes become national news.
    Then you say nothing.
    The president defends his son and NOW you ramp everything back?

    It’s odd.
    But, to be fair to Bannon, he really didn’t have any outlet to set the record straight once the record went crooked. /sarc

  7. Yeah, the 2 or 3 days’ silence on Bannon’s part was incredibly stupid. Everyone filled in the blanks and Trump waited, bannon said nothing. No denial=truth in most people’s minds. And so Trump went off.
    First mistake bannon made was talking to that liar and idiot, Wolff.
    And even though everyone knew, including Trump, that Wolff was an asshole, why would Bannon wait to say he got it all wrong? The smart thing to do was tell everyone “there’s a wolff book coming out, let’s see if he gets my quotes correctly.” Trump can be accused of ‘falling for it’ regarding the quotes, but then, when Bannon, the alleged source doesn’t say anything, what was Trump supposed to think? He knows Trump doesn’t hold back. LOL.

  8. Not seeing the Trump/Bannon “bait and switch” scenario. Bannon has made too many self centered shady comments about President Trump without provocation. If President Trump makes a move Bannon doesn’t approve of he’s quick to snipe and play both sides of the fence. President Trump is not his puppet and Bannon isn’t the president. Bannon should get that straight, keep his yap shut and get with the MAGA program which is working wonders without him. The lowdown is President Trump should be trusted because he’s proven his loyalty to the American people –
    has Bannon.

  9. SOMEONE let this fiction writer into the WH. WHO did that? There are records.

    Where is the brilliant strategist when Bannon is flapping his yap to a known scumbag like Wolff? Shapiro has an interesting video on this issue. Talks about how Bannon has always ridden the coat tails of others, and in this case, began to see himself as the standard bearer of the “Awakened” Right.


  10. This is what I think:
    I don’t believe there’s a ‘thing’ going on between Trump and Bannon as if they’re going to ‘work over’ the Left or pull a fast one on the RINOs.

    There certainly is a reason for Bannon waiting 2 or 3 days before he said anything and we don’t know what that reason is and Bannon hasn’t told us.
    Are we supposed to fill in the blanks for ourselves? Is he attention whoring or upset about the whole Alabama vote? This affects Breitbart,too. Why does the News organization have to be left wondering what the hell he’s up to?
    Think of this: If your editor does something sketchy, why wouldn’t I wonder if your site is going to get sketchy, too? Just throwing it out there.

    In a way, I’m disappointed in Trump, too, for not pressing truth out of Bannon first before jumping on him, even if he had to wait a week, because it appears as if Trump took the bait and was using Wolff’s book as facts.

    Whatever. I just know that ‘waiting’ game stunk. And now I feel like I have to keep my
    eye on Bannon.

  11. Without Steve Bannon Trump would have not won the election. It was his expertise that kept Trump focused and on message, bringing undecided votes into the fold. Bannon wanted the message to come into fruition and with Trump’s liberal kids clamoring for influence, along with Trump’s rhino appointees he was seeing his (Bannon’s) influence being diluted. Also he was probably not given the credit due him, thus pissing him off. I wouldn’t give credence to ANY leftist writer or journalist when it comes to “reporting” on this as they want to drive a wedge between any factions of Trump’s supporters. Everyone – – and that includes anyone involved in conservative blogs, news sites, etc. – – needs to chill out and let this blow over.

  12. I’m still waiting it out before commenting. I’ve actually followed Bannon longer than Trump and he is a bit of a self promoter, as is everyone in the politics biz, but he’s no wide eyed babe either. He is quite capable of working a plan with Trump to flush out the singing canaries.

    I’ll stay tuned.

  13. Billy, this has nothing to do with what the left is saying about this. This is about why did Bannon wait so long to say he was misquoted?
    Whether he thought Trump’s kids were uber libtarded or not, why does he let someone misquote him, then wait 3 days to say anything if they were not your words? If Bannon is this important to Trump’s presidency and Bannon believes in MAGA, then why do this to Trump?
    We love Trump for slamming lefties in an instant when they play fast and loose with his words, where was Steve? Bannon IS the press. What happened?

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