Landslide in Norway, Houses Swept To Sea – IOTW Report

Landslide in Norway, Houses Swept To Sea

YT- Watch this incredible huge landslide, where literally houses are floating into the sea. One person had to run for his live, to escape the landslide. Fortunately nobody got injured, only one dog had to be rescued and survived.

27 Comments on Landslide in Norway, Houses Swept To Sea

  1. and some idiot on tv, celebrity, scientist, msm talking head is going to tell me that i have to be taxed for my burning of fossil fuels to lower the earths temperature?

    it’s like they don’t recognize the awesome power of the planets natural forces.

  2. There is a 2nd video on this link of a dog that was washed out to sea and swam back. That dog walked right up to the rescuer and let him put the harness around him to go up to the helicopter.
    Both videos are really something.

  3. Man, even our natural disasters are all stereotypicaly Nordic.

    All slow and deliberate…like the earth just threw in the towel.
    Meh. It’s Denmark’s problem now.

  4. I seriously doubt their HOP covered that. Adding to the tragedy the extend of the loss is visible under 18.5 hours of daylight. Sunset at 10:30 pm, sunrise at 4:00 am. After the shock subsides, the people with homes two or 3 blocks back from the shore, will now have beach front homes. For a little while. But I doubt I could sleep well there.

  5. MJA JUNE 4, 2020 AT 8:39 PM
    “Most powerful thing in nature is water.”


    Even homes far from bodies of water. Leaky roofs, leaky pipes (incoming and bad drains), bad guttering, floods – water is the number one destroyer of homes.

    Problems with water is mostly what I find wrong when I inspect homes. Improper grading comes in second (usually soil too high over the edge of a slab foundation). Many landscapers cause a lot of problems because they really don’t know what they’re doing in this regard. They just make it look pretty, then the house starts having expensive problems over the following years. You can tell they weren’t really trained.


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