Lara Logan Sues New York Magazine for $25 Million over ‘Hagan Hit Piece’ – IOTW Report

Lara Logan Sues New York Magazine for $25 Million over ‘Hagan Hit Piece’

Breitbart: Former 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan is suing New York magazine over an article she claims hurt her career.

“The story concerned a report by Logan in 2013 on ’60 Minutes’ about the 2012 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans were killed in the attack, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens,” according to the Hill.

However, Logan’s report was retracted one month after it aired when key facts from an interview with British security contractor Dylan Davies were determined to be false.

The journalist apologized to viewers on CBS This Morning a few weeks after the retraction for including Davies’ statements in the piece but also added that the essential parts of the report were true. read more

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