Pelosi lies so much, even WaPo felt the need to correct her – IOTW Report

Pelosi lies so much, even WaPo felt the need to correct her

The Washington Post gave House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) four Pinocchios for sharing false gun statistics over and over again.

According to the PostPelosi claimed “47 percent” of the people died in gun violence January 1, 2019 to November 20, 2019, were “teenagers or children younger than that.” Her goal was to pressure Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) to take action on gun control bills the Democrat-controlled House passed.

When contacted to clarify, Pelosi’s spokesman admitted Pelosi “misspoke,” and said she “intended to…[say] that an average of 47 children and teens (ages 0-19) are shot every day.” more

9 Comments on Pelosi lies so much, even WaPo felt the need to correct her

  1. I wonder how many children (age 0) are murdered in abortion mills every day?
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. Filthy Nancy is one of the most outrageous liars in public life. She’s also one of the most corrupt people holding office, not merely in America, but the world.

    Being a deranged egomanaic aside, she’s passionately on the side of forces that would enslave us, and then likely kill many of us.

    Other than that, she should get a break be horribly tortured for only two days before being hanged alongside the rest of the traitors in her cabal.

  3. Nancy Pelosi, she does it all!
    She lies, falsies testimonies, corrupts the state! She fixes her dentures on live television, her eyes pop out of her head!!!

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