Leaker James Wolfe May Sink Senate Intel Committee Members – IOTW Report

Leaker James Wolfe May Sink Senate Intel Committee Members

Sundance at Conservative Tree House believes there are revealing devils in the details of the James Wolfe arrest and his attorney’s subsequent communications.

You may remember James Wolfe as the highly trusted senate staff member who handled documents for the Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). Last month Wolfe was arrested and charged with leaking the classified information in the FISA warrants to his media paramour, Ali Watson.

It seems that Mr. Wolfe’s lawyer has sent a letter to members of the committee informing them that they may be called as witnesses for the defense at Wolfe’s expected trial. It is doubtful that senators on SSCI would be called to be character witnesses. More likely they will be expected to testify under oath that they instructed Wolfe to leak FISA information to the press. More

8 Comments on Leaker James Wolfe May Sink Senate Intel Committee Members

  1. If nothing else (and I do hope there’s more than just this), it will be very entertaining to see U.S. senators refusing to answer questions under oath because they fear that they will incriminate themselves.

  2. The SSCI will find a way out of this, with help from other senators and their pals in the MSM. They work in teams, always do, to protect the core. There is no way they will take this much possible damage without concocting some legal work around to save every guilty, sorry butt.

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