Leftist Pinheads BAFFLED By the Prospect That Muslims May Have Voted For the Jewish Sanders in Dearbornistan – IOTW Report

Leftist Pinheads BAFFLED By the Prospect That Muslims May Have Voted For the Jewish Sanders in Dearbornistan

Yahoo writes in self-righteous prig fashion:

“It’s almost as if Muslim Americans vote based on the issues rather than a candidate’s religious preferences.”

Yep, the famous Muslim tolerance of Jews is on full display here. (Eye Rolls Please.)

Screen Shot 2016-03-10 at 8.23.14 AM

Is this really so hard for the likes of a Lawrence O’Donnell to figure out?

When the “issue” is free money the parasite does not care who is facilitating it for them, particularly from a safe distance.

These idiots act as if the Muslims are displaying genuine affection. It’s business.

When the money runs out Bernie, the filthy Jew, will be the first with his head on a pike.


11 Comments on Leftist Pinheads BAFFLED By the Prospect That Muslims May Have Voted For the Jewish Sanders in Dearbornistan

  1. I hadn’t given a first, second, or even a third thought that the The Bern was jewish.
    Is he practicing? Does he keep kosher?
    Or is it all in name only, like his “devotion” to the Constitution and democracy?

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