Louisiana’s Mike Johnson May Be The Best Hope of Draining the Swamp from the House – IOTW Report

Louisiana’s Mike Johnson May Be The Best Hope of Draining the Swamp from the House


The latest Republican speaker-designate Mike Johnson is set to bring a vote to the House floor on Wednesday.

Johnson, the fourth choice by his conference in a little over two weeks, is expected to call for a vote when the House is slated to convene at noon EDT. He needs 217 votes to capture the gavel and end the three-week vacancy. More

Matt Gaetz was on Bannon’s War Room (I’ll link it in the comments when they post the first hour of Bannon’s program from this morning) explaining how Kevin McCarthy’s efforts to regain the speakership was finally defeated. Gaetz spoke glowingly of how Johnson as speaker might just turn the tide on the Swamp. Here

12 Comments on Louisiana’s Mike Johnson May Be The Best Hope of Draining the Swamp from the House

  1. “ Louisiana’s Mike Johnson May Be The Best Hope of Draining the Swamp from the House”
    If that’s the case he won’t get close to 217 votes, too many RINO’s want the status quo.

  2. The swamp cannot be drained as the swamp monsters control the parties at even the lowest levels of organization, where primary challenges begin. Anyone who worked on Ron Paul or Rick Santorum’s bids for president has seen just how corrupt local and state GOP “leadership” is. It applies to folks running for Congress as well. In a protected district, winning the primary would mean winning the general, so they NEVER allow any competition to threaten the status quo/globalist agenda.

  3. Phenotype,
    B52s are stationed in Mike Johnson’s district, Barksdale. That might be a factor in canceling the show, or the expense (joke), or more realistic would be that B52s are our first line of expressing ourselves in other countries.

    Glad they chose Mike Johnson, great guy.


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