Maggie Haberman Traffics Rumor There Will Be A Coup In August And Trump “Reinstated” – IOTW Report

Maggie Haberman Traffics Rumor There Will Be A Coup In August And Trump “Reinstated”

Daily Caller

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman said Tuesday that former President Donald Trump “has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August.”

Haberman tweeted a video Tuesday from CNN that showed apparently QAnon-influenced Trump supporters expressing support for a Myanmar-style coup to reinstate the former president. Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn denied advocating for such a coup on Monday following reports that he had done so at a recent convention, according to The Hill. More

35 Comments on Maggie Haberman Traffics Rumor There Will Be A Coup In August And Trump “Reinstated”

  1. Maggie is so desperate for attention. It’s like watching a woman with no arms and legs try to hoolahoop at this point. How sad for her. I don’t know if NYTimes will be around by the end of this year because of all the lawsuits.

  2. They are throwing this out there now to counteract the fact that they are the ones who staged a coup by cheating to win the election. So their mindless horde zombies will think it’s a coup when laws are actually upheld and the rightful winner is put in place.

    Although, if Pres. Trump is reinstalled, he will have lost valuable time. How can we compensate for the time that the commie/fascist criminals have stolen from fixing their havoc.

  3. That’s all just a pipe dream…but if I was a liberal asshole who just might have a target on their forehead, they may want to start looking to relocate to somewhere where there’s no extradition treaty in place!

  4. I saw what you’re trying to do, It’s all a Distraction from the shameful and destructive job the biden administration has, is and will do every day they are in office.
    Maggie we aren’t as dumb as the typical NYT readers.

  5. Jenna Ellis

    “The Constitution has only one process for removal of a sitting president: impeachment and conviction.

    No, President Trump is not going to be “reinstated.””

    So 68% of the countries voters were disenfranchised and we’re suppose to put up with that shit? I don’t think so.

    Never forget our House and Senate certified the election. They may as well be treated as co-conspirators. – Dr. Tar

  6. The white supremacists are the democrats. Yes, there is white supremacy in the US and it’s the democrats/liberals. Biden and Pelosi are prime examples. Yet black people suck up to these people. Much like Jewish people side with the very people who want to wipe them out. Crazy!

  7. Note the timing and get ready for the reverberating Leftist echo chamber. Maricopa auditors had big news this weekend — “well over half-way to completion of the audit”. This is another desperate attempt to denigrate the audit and conservatives.

    It ain’t over. The “feeling” I have had for many, many months is that something big is on the horizon. I sense a sort of cliff-hanger something-or-other looming.

  8. Dr. Tar

    I’ve always thought the Globalist RINOs are probably just as responsible for this coup as any other nefarious group. Trump was costing them and their pals way to much of our money.

  9. Gladys JUNE 2, 2021 AT 4:33 PM

    Although, if Pres. Trump is reinstalled, he will have lost valuable time. How can we compensate for the time that the commie/fascist criminals have stolen from fixing their havoc.

    All actions by the current faux administration are null and void at that point. No need to worry about them, they are automatically fraudulent and ineffective.

    JustAl JUNE 2, 2021 AT 5:35 PM.

    Resuming the term of the rightfully elected POTUS is no coup.

    True. The liberals in my life won’t see that, but it will be fun to drill them with it until they do.

    Different Tim JUNE 2, 2021 AT 5:36 PM

    We already had a coup. They are currently residing in the White House. Trump reinstatement would be justice.

    More truth to drill them with.

    Gladys JUNE 2, 2021 AT 6:51 PM

    The white supremacists are the democrats.

    I keep having to point out to my liberal friends that their “helpful” principles concerning minorities are inherently racist because they (liberal friends) assume they (minorities) are helpless. The looks I get after that are priceless. I can hear the gears turning.


    Kiel is a desperate agent of evil.

    The kind of moron that’s easy and fun to torment in real life. Shallow and subservient to Satan is no way to live life, you demon-plagued soul.

  10. Typical leftist tactic. Run a false flag up a pole and wait to see how many fools salute it. When patriots shoot that rag full of holes, the left act shocked when their crap won’t fly.

    Just evidence the left’s Trump Derangement has reach a whole new level of paranoia since they stole the presidential election.
    President Trump is free to retaliate. Their attempts to anticipate when he will strike has the left scared witless.


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