Marcus Luttrell NRA Commercial – IOTW Report

Marcus Luttrell NRA Commercial

Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 11.59.46 AMht/ bad brad


9 Comments on Marcus Luttrell NRA Commercial

  1. Yes, he should just insert “Black Lies Matter”, “Social Justice Bullies (Warriors), “Illegal Aliens”, “Homosexual Activists” and all “Gun Grabbers” and re-release the video.

  2. The message is all well and fine, but the problem is that the leadership of the NRA is not all that different from the leadership of the Republican Party.

    The NRA has become bureaucratic and that works out OK when we are talking about their Hunter Education programs and shooting competition, but it fails miserably when it comes to protecting our rights.

    Yes the NRA has been instrumental many times in the past, but their recent antics leave me less than ready to endorse anyone sending money their way when what that person wants supported are their Second Amendment Rights and even more so when it comes to legislative issues on the State and federal level that impact hunting and shooting in general.

    I’ll come right out and say it, I have been flat our lied to by the NRA-ILA regarding issues that impact us here as hunters. They said their legal team would be here and then when they no-showed it left us with too little time to put together a Plan B.

    OK that is one example, how about they chose to endorse Dan Newhouse over Clint Didier and then concocted a cock and bull story about how one has a voting record and the other does not and the NRA always goes with someone with a voting record when both have the same score on the NRA criteria. This is a flat our lie and the NRA dry-shaved us, Newhouse is a four-flusher who comes from a family of four-flushers. He is an establishment Republican and this endorsement was the result of Boehner et all horse trading with establishment NRA hacks.

    No one in their right mind who knows both men would trust Newhouse over Clint Didier to stand firm. NO ONE.

    I say this as an Endowment NRA member and father of two Life NRA members. Send any money you donate to defend the Second Amendment to Gun Owners of America or The Second Amendment Foundation.

  3. Clint Didier should’ve won. Newhouse has turned out to be nothing but a RINO after a year as a congress critter. The people of Central Wash. deserved far better. I’m off to make my weekly deliveries down to the Tri Cities, Prosser, Sunnyside, Yakima etc. early tomorrow morning. As much as I don’t like the desert and the heat (I hate sagebrush) that whole area can grow just about anything because of abundant irrigation and water from the Columbia River and its tributaries. I marvel at the variety of crops and produce grown in that area every time I go down there. The hops are unbelievably tall and abundant around Sunnyside and Yakima. And the view of Mt. Adams and Mt. Rainier can be quite stunning at times coming across I-82 especially around Prosser, Grandview and Sunnyside.

  4. With the vast majority of ballots counted, Newhouse leads Didier 77,493 votes, or 50.82 percent, to 74,999 votes, or 49.18 percent. Election results will be certified Tuesday.

    The race was the first in Washington state to pit two members of the same party against each other in the general election for a congressional seat.

    Washington’s elections do not have partisan primaries but instead operate under a top-two system, in which candidates of all political affiliations compete in the primary.

    Didier had hoped to ride the momentum of his first-place finish in the primary to a November victory, but he was outspent and outflanked by Newhouse in advertising. Newhouse raised $877,645 to Didier’s $496,511.

    These are the facts, the establishment Reublicans cut a deal with the establishment NRA Leadership and screwed us over. Without the NRA endorsement There is absolutely no way Newhouse would have won and Boehner and company knew it. The low down, snake in the grass, back stabbing establishment NRA leadership is no better than are establishment Republicans. Both will dry shave you every chance that they get. NEVER EVER trust them period. Continue to support the NRA in it’s safety and competition rolls, but until there is a leadership change that truly represents a paradigm shift don’t send the NRA-ILA another single red cent.

  5. They play these once, early morning Fox. Maybe late night too but haven’t watched. I just sold a girl an AR Pistol in 300 black out. She lives down the hill in Sac. The reason for her purchase. She doesn’t like whose been moving into the hood lately. She’s about a half mile from a Mosque.

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